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The night of the gala steadily approaches.

As the evening comes, I prepare for the event honouring the prince's birthday. The elegant chateau is adorned with shimmering lights, and the soft melody of music drifts through the halls, setting the stage for a night of celebration and splendour.

In my spacious dressing room, the light from the crystal chandelier cascades down, casting a radiant glow upon the room. Standing by my side, Six, quickly becoming my ever-attentive confidant and stylist, assists me in donning my attire for the evening. The delicate lace gown, hugs my frame in all the right places, accentuating my silhouette with an air of understated elegance.

As Six adjusts the gown, ensuring every seam and detail aligns flawlessly, I catch glimpses of my reflection in the ornate mirror. The lace shimmers in the soft lighting, its intricate patterns intertwining like a delicate dance. The dress embodies grace and sophistication, befitting the grandeur of the occasion.

I may not like the reason I have it on to begin with, but I do enjoy having it on nonetheless.

With deft hands, Six adorns me with a pair of high heels, their sleek design adding height and confidence to my stride. They're so pretty..

"My lady?"

I turn to Six from my brief daze.

She smiles and laughs, the sound almost echoed in the confines of her mask. "You seem to like a pair of heels more than anything else I've presented you." She waves to the table full of pearls, diamonds and emeralds. "You barely batted an eye selling a coloured diamond, but you seem to marvel at high heels."

"They're beautiful." I admit, a little shyly even. One of a few vices I have.

Once fully prepared, I stand before the mirror, happy with my appearance. The gown drapes gracefully around me, my palms caressing the fabric at my hips just to feel them. The pearls twinkle like stars caught in my silver tresses, and i stare at them as Six hands me matching gloves, Over my shoulders, a cape is held down, matching the colours of my dress, my hair reigning down over it.

I don't need to look at the back of it to know it lacks an emblem. Usually, if a noble wears a cape, it bares their family's insignia. But I don't need to have mine stamped. I'm sure the arch duke wouldn't appreciate me sullying his name.

"Come here."

"Hmm?" Six approaches, looking me up and down. "Is there something wrong-"

She stops as i stare at her for a moment. I can practically see the moment she freezes like a statue, her eyes wide as i lean down.

I peck her cheek.

"M-my lady?" She stumbles over her words, as i ruffle her hair.

"You've done very well." I pat her, ignoring how she seems to swoon.

This event will most likely go as it always has. Scrutinising eyes on me, with harsh whispers and judgemental statements, before they turn to amused laughs as I look down in complete humility. The only difference tonight is my reaction. I have no reason to cower or be humiliated by anyone present in the hall.

With a final glance in the mirror, I prepare to leave the room.

It's the knock on the door that has me momentarily pausing.

"Hm?" Six steps forward and opens it for me.

Over her petite figure and height, it's easy to see who's standing before her.

Dressed to perfection befitting of the heir to the empire's only arch dukedom, Felix stands by the door in all his eye catching glory. His attire, tailored to perfection, embraces the theme of black, white, and silver, weaving together in a combination that will not doubt have everyone's attention on him.

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now