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As I walk engulfed in a well of my thoughts, memories of the Archduchess begin to weave through the surface of my mind. In there, Lady Ingrid is a formidable noble, sophisticated, from a noble blood line and all deserving of her title as archduchess to one of the strongest noble families beside the imperial family.

In all of Nirvana's memories, Lady Ingrid is a woman of regal grace, commanding respect with her every step. Her presence, both commanding and compassionate, leave an indelible mark upon those who were fortunate enough to cross her path.

But one thing I find interesting in my memories is how kind she was to Nirvana.

It's a shocking revelation in all honesty.

Treating a child of your husband's so gently, despite how her husband felt about it...

Was it manipulation or genuine pity and emotion?

I recall the few moments Nirvana witnessed their interaction, the tenderness that graced their every touch. My supposed father holds no love for me whatsoever, but I find he is so easily capable of it with his beautiful wife. In their eyes, I see a reflection of the profound love and respect they hold for one another.

Love has never been something I've believed in. But I suppose they share something akin to it.

As the maids escort me through the corridors of the palace, I observe the beauty that surrounds me. This palace, so different from the cold and neglected manor I call home, exudes an air of opulence and grandeur that is impossible to ignore.

Elaborate chandeliers hang from gilded ceilings, casting a soft glow upon the polished marble floors. Intricate carvings line the walls, depicting scenes of mythical creatures and epic battles, their colors vivid and alive.

The palace seems to breathe, with the echoes of a rich history and the whispers of hushed secrets. I imagine each room holds its own allure, inviting exploration and discovery. I run my gaze along the ornate carvings and trace the delicate patterns of the stained glass windows.

But my purpose lies beyond these lavish halls. The maids guide me, their eyes flickering with curiosity and curiosity as they steal glances in my direction. I am aware of the whispers that trail in my wake, their hushed voices casting judgment and speculation upon my presence.

"She's back?"

"Didn't you hear? She's been back for a week already?"

"A week? But...but she didn't come to see her highness."

"How did she get back?"

"What do you mean how? The arch duke probably sent knights to rescue her?"

"Are you joking?"

"His highness would never send..."

Yet, I pay them no mind. Their words are no doubt harsh, even Serene flinching at their words before she looks at me. She watches for a moment, almost expecting a reaction, but I don't so much as twitch. The stares and whispered words hold no power over me.

As we make our way to the archduchess's garden, a serene oasis amidst the grandeur, I am greeted by the delicate fragrance of blossoming flowers. Vibrant blooms of every color imaginable paint a picturesque landscape, their petals kissed by the gentle caress of the sun. The air is alive with the symphony of nature, the chorus of birdsong and the rustling of leaves.

It's a beautiful little haven.

I pause for a moment, my eyes tracing the contours of the garden with a new sight. Something as simple as nature made in a way that speaks to privilege and in the arch duchess's case, her husband's favour. I know enough to know he's built this garden as a gift to her, one of his wedding gifts if i'm recalling correctly.

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now