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"Oh my, Lady Dahlia really invited you to her home?" Six sits on a bench outside, accompanying me whilst I train.

After recalling the events of yesterday to her, she listened carefully, a little surprised that I had not only accepted the invitation, but seemed to encourage it. She turns the invitation later sent yesterday over in her hands. "Ah, did you also say there would be another lady that would be coming?"

I nod, thinking about how I also requested to Lady Dahlia that Lady Regina also receive an invitation. "She's the young Lady Regina, from the Claude Marquee."

I pause in my conversation with Six, my voice trailing off as I notice the unmistakable stillness of shock that flashes across her form. It is a rare occurrence to witness such a reaction from her when it comes to nobles, when she is usually quiet and uninterested in anything. Intrigued, I tilt my head slightly, my curiosity piqued.

"What's the matter? Why does that name surprise you?" I inquire, my tone laced with genuine interest. But before Six can answer, her hesitation becomes evident, her voice filled with a mixture of uncertainty and melancholy.

"She... she is my cousin, from my father's side," she finally reveals, her words hanging in the air with a weight I can sense. I watch as her eyes flicker with a mixture of longing and sadness. It becomes clear to me that there is a history, a connection between Six and Regina. And it must be difficult to be reminded that no one can know she is alive.

I take a step closer to Six. "Your cousin? How long has it been since you've seen her?" I gently ask, hoping to understand the depth of their bond. From what Six has told me of herself, she didn't go out much or interact with others.

But family surely should be different?

"I haven't seen Regina in years," Six continues, her voice carrying a touch of melancholy. "Everyone thinks I'm dead. My parents... they were monsters, my lady. But despite everything, I always looked forward to Regina and her mother, my aunt, visiting. They brought a glimmer of light into my otherwise dark existence."

I am not one to feel much emotion, especially not for others. And certainly not for myself. But I feel a surge of sympathy for Six, realising the weight she has carried all these years. To be severed from one's own kin, to now acknowledge she'll live in the shadows, is a burden no one should bear alone. Without another word, I reach out and clasp Six's hand.

"You are quickly becoming a trusted companion."

She looks up in shock at the sudden change in conversation. "T-thank you?"

I chuckle, staring in amusement. "I'm not saying it like that. I mean to tell you, that right now, you are doing more than just helping me understand this life I've come into. I consider you a friend, one who knows a secret that could have me ostracised."

Her eyes widen. "I would never tell a soul!"

I nod. "I know." I assure her. "You are a close enough friend that I find myself confiding in you. I am accepting lady Dahlia's invitation, because I also wish to have her as a friend. I approached Lady Regina for the same reason." They are both potential candidates for select individuals I wish to surround myself with.

As if she begins to realise, she stumbles over her words. "W-what..."

"One thing I have realised about my plans, is I need companions who I can trust with my darkest secrets. If Lady Regina proves herself to be one of those people, I see no reason you cannot tell her who you are." She stares at my words wide eyed. "In fact, I would suggest you do so."

I can't see her face, but judging by how her hands shake, she is pleased with what I've said. We remain silent for a few moments, before I return to my swords when I realise she would like a moment to collect herself. She sits there in her own thoughts, hands on her lap with a pensive air around her.

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now