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The decision seems to surprise everyone in front of me. I have no desire to ask Lord Rylan to be the one to ordain me, not after his condescending comments and behaviour during the duel. Especially considering the fact that I have someone I am beginning to trust more and more present right now.

I turn to Dahlia, and ask her, my voice steady, "Dahlia, would you be the one to ordain me?"

There's a flicker of surprise in Dahlia's eyes, a momentary pause as she absorbs the request. It's an uncommon choice, but our bond runs deep, and I want her to be the one to mark this momentous occasion.

However, Lord Rylan, apparently never one to miss an opportunity to voice his opinions, decides to interfere. He steps forward with a disapproving expression and remarks, "It's highly unusual for a lady to perform the ordination, Lady Nirvana, unless the knight is directly serving her."

I turn to him, my tone as cold as ever, and question, "Is it not allowed? Is there anything that says it's agains the law or makes the ordainment invalid?"

He glares at me, clearly displeased with my choice to defy tradition. Or perhaps it's the fact that Dahlia is the one doing it. Their relationship, though I know next to nothing beyond what I have observed with my own eyes, is one rifled with tension and frustration.

"Why are you asking her?" He questions, jaw clenched in displeasure. "Dahlia, what would lord Alder think about you doing something that could tie you politically to someone else? He wouldn't be pleased that you're getting taken advantage of."

Dahlia glares at him. "Stop-"

I lift a hand and stop her from answering. This is pertaining to me and I have no reason to let her be the brunt of his misplaced attack. "The lord and Lady Alfonse are already aware of my decision."

He freezes as Dahlia's eyes go wide. "What?"

I arrive at the Alfonse Estate, guided by the maids and servants who escort me to the heart of the grand manor. I am met with warm hospitality from them, who seem to see me as a friend of their lady now, leading me to Lord Alder and Lady Astrid without problems or worry.

Lady Astrid, greets me with a teasing smile. "Ah, Lady Nirvana, it seems we've been seeing you at our estate more and more lately. One would think you've taken up permanent residence here."

Her light-hearted comment draws a subtle smile from me, and I respond with a calm tone of voice. "Your hospitality is always appreciated, Lady Astrid. And dare i say it's hardly my fault i'm here most moons when Dahlia insists on being a great a host as she is. "

Lord Alder smiles at the light banter, requesting I sit with the both of them. "You'll have to forgive Dahlia. She's away currently and should be back before dusk."

As we sit together in the opulent drawing room, conversation flows naturally. We speak of various topics, the atmosphere relaxed and pleasant. It's clear that Lady Astrid takes delight in the growing closeness between her daughter, Dahlia, and me. She continues to tease, remarking about how she's noticed our increasing companionship.

"You and Dahlia have become quite inseparable," Lady Astrid says, her tone affectionate. "It's good to see her with such a steadfast friend."

I listen with a hint of amusement, fully aware of the implications of our friendship.

Lord Alder, a man of few words but a warm presence, joins in the conversation. "My daughter tells me you are a talented swordsman."

"She is kind with her words."

Lady Astrid laughs. "I assure you she is not. She's insisted on being the one to train our new knights because she feels we are too gentle with them." She shakes her head and sighs. "They complain so often and she's never doles out any compliments."

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now