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"A quiet solace

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"A quiet solace."

A relentless downpour casts a heavy curtain of rain upon us as we continue our journey through the sodden landscape on horseback. It was in my luck that there were horses in the backyard of the building housing the dungeons.

"I haven't told you my name yet."

I glance down at the girl holding onto me from my front.

"It's Serene."

"You already know my name."

She doesn't say much for a moment before she giggles. "You're not much one for speaking, are you, my lady?" I merely continue looking ahead, leading the horse through the heavy rain.

Each droplet seems to carry the weight of the world, pelting against my hands and face beyond the cloak, and soaking my clothes. It's cold and unforgiving, and matched with my hunger, weakness and weary bones, not something i can find the time to enjoy. The rhythmic sound of rain against leaves and the distant rumble of thunder merge as we race forward.

I hold Serene tightly against my chest, shielding her delicate frame from the onslaught. If her body is anything like the one I'm in, it won't be long before she gets sick from the cold weather and the brutality of what she's faced so far.

The horse trudges forward, its hooves splashing through the muddy terrain. I guide the reins with a firm grip, my senses heightened, alert for any danger that may lurk beneath the dreary weather, a habit i've always had.

The rain obscures the path ahead, veiling the road ahead in a hazy mist. My gaze flickers between the road ahead and Serene nestled in my arms, her eyes reflecting a mix of apprehension and trust.

"Your hair..." I begin to say. "My memories tell me it's a trait unique to your family." Again, at the mention of her family, she's cautious, but this time she nods. "Nirvana's never met you before, but I could tell you were from the Ashfield family because of that trait. Taking you into the Sinclair estate means you'll be recognised."

A scenario she never considered judging by how she tenses and freezes up.

I tell her my thoughts. "Keep your cloak on until we reach my palace in the estate. We can figure out a way to hide your features once we're there. Do you understand?"

Her eyes widen with appreciation, and she nods. "Yes. Thank you for helping me, my lady."

"I'm not helping you." I reply, ignoring her flinch. "You're helping yourself. Your skill makes you useful and what you've offered even more so. We are exchanging aid. I'm not offering anything for free." My words may be cold but I don't need to have her feeling like she's in my debt.

The weight of our journey feels amplified in this storm, and even in its harshness, I find that I much love the cold droplets on my face and skin. The feeling of the fast horse beneath me makes everything all the more tolerable.

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now