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Surprise registers within me, evident in the faint flicker that dances in my eyes, as the grand duke reveals that the archduke has suggested he seek my opinion on the matter of an engagement. The revelation catches me off guard, my relationship with Lord Lucien having been a distant one, characterised by infrequent interactions and a purposeful avoidance of one another.

The notion that he would grant me such a role in a decision of such magnitude, allowing me a voice my thoughts, is a concept I had not anticipated. My thoughts swirl, grappling with the implications of this unexpected revelation.

A glimmer of curiosity emerges, questioning the motives that may lie behind his surprising stance. Is it a genuine belief in my discernment, a newfound understanding of the kind of person I am? Or is it merely a strategic move in the intricate game that he's decided to play with me?

There is also the possibility - and i'm hoping for this - that he doesn't care about what I do. Regardless of the underlying motives, I am slightly struck by the weight of this newfound choice.

If he had chosen something as important as an engagement for me, I wouldn't fight or argue his decisions directly to him. He has more power than I do. But that does not mean I would sit back and accept it readily.

I'd do everything in my power to break of such a pestering tie. What use is a marriage to me?

With each passing moment, I grow more cognisant of the significance of this juncture. As the revelation settles, I tuck away my surprise and the reservations that tug at my heart, choosing instead to maintain calm and collected.

"My lady?" Lord Kaiser breaks me from my thoughts momentarily.

I caress the arm rest of my chair with the tip of my fingers. I know what i'm going to say, and i carefully arrange my words to explain my thoughts how i want them to be understood. Curiosity tinged with a hint of distrust laces my words as I pose the question that weighs heavily upon my mind. "Your Grace, may I ask you a question?"

He nods. "Please do."

"I wish to inquire why you are giving me the option to say yes or no to this engagement? It surprises me, considering the weight of such decisions often falls upon alliances and political considerations."

The grand duke's expression shifts, a flicker of surprise mingling with a subtle undercurrent of displeasure. With a measured pause, the grand duke gathers his thoughts before responding, his voice carrying a hint of determination. "I have no intention of forcing any union upon anyone, especially against their will," he asserts. "Your voluntary choice in this matter is of utmost importance to me."

His words resonate within me, dissolving some of the skepticism that had taken hold. The grand duke's affirmation of personal agency in matters of the heart speaks of a belief in individual autonomy, a recognition that consent and genuine desire are paramount in forging meaningful connections.

I find myself momentarily disarmed by his unexpected response, the weight of responsibility shifting upon my shoulders. The realisation that my decision holds significance, that my voice will be heard and respected, and that he is willingly giving me the right to reject him if I so please is a welcome one.

As I stand on the edge of my decision, knowing already that my answer will be a resolute "no," my gaze instinctively turns towards the silent presence of Prince Alister. His piercing eyes hold a gravity that even I, trained to withstand pressure, find unsettling. The intensity of his gaze sends a shiver down my spine, making the fine hairs on my skin stand on end.

Driven by curiosity, and perhaps a touch of defiance, I venture to inquire if he holds any interest in the prospect of marrying me. My voice, steady despite the undercurrent of apprehension, poses the question that lingers in the air. "Do you have any inclination towards this union? Are you interested in marrying me?" I ask, my words laced with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue.

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now