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Underneath the shade of a towering tree, a patch of soft, emerald grass keeps me company. With the gentle rustling of leaves overhead and a cool breeze that caresses my skin, I lay sprawled on the ground. The sky above is adorned with billowing clouds, casting shifting patterns of light and shadow upon the landscape.

A large, elegant umbrella stands tall beside me, its canopy spread wide to shield me from the sun's harsh rays. Its protective embrace creates a comforting oasis of shade, allowing me to bask in the tranquility of the moment.

My cape forms a cushioned cocoon around me, creating a private sanctuary amidst the open expanse of nature. Its dark fabric merges with the shadows cast by the trees, flowing with the rhythm of the wind.

Six sits beside me quietly, blowing a fan on herself, and every once in a while, on me.

I peek at her from one eye. "You don't need to do that."

She just quietly smiles.

As I lay on the grassy patch beneath the sheltering umbrella, a question lingers in the air, and I can sense her curiosity. This time, i don't nudge her to come out with it, just silently wait for her to do so on her own. With a soft sigh, she turns her attention towards me, her voice carrying a hint of intrigue.

"My lady," she begins, her tone gentle yet inquisitive, "may I ask what has sparked this sudden interest in guilds?"

Her question hangs in the air, and for a moment, I contemplate the best way to articulate the thoughts swirling within me. With a thoughtful expression, I gather my words, the calm of the moment encouraging introspection.

"Funnily enough, the life of guilds is more in line with what I grew up with," I begin, my voice carrying a hint of contemplation. "Mercenaries, assassins, muscle for hire. It's what i'm most familiar with.'" I pause for a moment, allowing the weight of my words to settle. The lure of the guilds is not one easily dismissed

I continue, my voice steady and measured, "Guilds possess a certain influence in this world, a power that transcends the boundaries of noble society. They operate in the shadows without law. I know how to function in a world like that, and i have every reason to take advantage of it."

A flicker of curiosity dances in Six's eyes, urging me to explain further.

"I am not content with solely ruling within the boundaries of nobility," I confess, my voice resonating with a quiet intensity. "I want absolute power, the ability to influence and shape the very foundations of society. And to achieve that, I must understand and work within every avenue available, including the shadowed and muddied waters trodden by guilds."

Silence settles between us, punctuated only by the rustling of leaves and the distant hum of nature. Six absorbs my words, her expression a mix of understanding and concern. She comprehends the depth of my ambitions and the risks they entail.

"My lady," she finally responds, her voice filled with a blend of caution and loyalty, "whenever you tell me a new piece of your plan, I find myself worried about the roads ahead." Her lips twitch into a smile. "But I also have a feeling that I have not spent nearly enough time with you if I am worried for your safety."

I almost laugh. "Give yourself a couple of years."

"For any ordinary noble, I would worry for how the world of mercenaries and assassins would consume them." She pauses with a glint in her eyes, a small light behind her mask. "But with you, I am certain you will consume it."

"Your trust in me is flattering. You are the first of my aids to join me, and you shall be rewarded as such when the time comes."

"I don't require a reward." She peels her mask for a moment to show me a bright smile before placing it back on. She can't take it off for too long, since these days we have maids and butlers randomly popping in for one reason or another. "I'm happy to be here." I think the conversation will end like so, but she cocks her head to the side and adds, "The first?"

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now