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Six follows me into the city, her body close to mine as we steer into the crowds of ordinary citizens. It seems no one is new to hooded figures walking by, because no one spares a glance in our direction as we blend in.

Approaching a shop with glass exterior, filled with beautiful jewels and rare ornaments, I enter through the door. The bell above the wood rings once, twice, before falling back into position as the door closes. Six falls into place beside me, turning her head to look at me. I reckon her expression is one of curiosity.

The store seems to shimmer with rarity woven in gold and gemstones. The air is filled with a delicate fragrance, a subtle blend of polished metals and the sweet scent of rare flowers adorning the display cases. Soft music plays in the background, what sounds like a violin gliding gently.

I take in the dazzling array of necklaces, bracelets, and earrings that grace the velvet-lined trays. Each piece radiates it's own beauty, and considering i chose the store at random and not with careful consideration, i think myself lucky for finding one of quality so quickly.

It's the perfect place to offer something of value. Off the road, typical but with valuable items.

The display cases, like glistening treasure chests, showcase a kaleidoscope of colours and shapes. Sparkling diamonds shining with brilliance are nestled beside vibrant emeralds, sapphires, and rubies, each gemstone exuding its own glow. Delicate strands of pearls, luminescent and iridescent, fill the other cases.

As I move closer, the intricate designs of the jewellery reveal themselves. Necklaces adorned with delicate filigree patterns, their golden strands intricately woven like a carving of elegance. Bracelets embellished with clusters of gemstones, their vibrant hues capturing the light and gleaming off the corner of my eyes.

The shopkeeper seems to notice his new patrons, and greets us with a warm smile. "Welcome. Is there anything in particular that I can do for you?"

I pull out a small case from beneath my robes and place it on the tables. "I'd like to sell these."

He opens the box and pauses. There's not a reaction on his face for a moment, and then he pales at the contents. "A-are those pink diamonds?"

Six perks. "What? My lady!" She whispers to me, and i doubt she realises the admonishment in her tone of voice.

Coloured diamonds are a rarity beyond just ordinary diamonds. Normal jewels alone are expensive, something that even nobles are limited in possessing. Coloured diamonds, are uncommon, and only held by a select amount of aristocrats. I glance down at the box full of pink diamonds, and a few red jewels.

Courtesy of Nirvana's mother.

The shopkeeper begins to inspect the jewels and he must find them to be real because he looks up at me with twinkling eyes. "You are selling all of them? Are you sure? These...I'm not even certain I can afford to purchase them, my lady."

I look around his store. "You've purchased most of these jewels through auctions, haven't you?" I turn to him. "I'm willing to take whatever you can offer for them."

His eyes widen. "Why not sell them at an auction yourself, my lady?" I'm slightly amused that he's giving me suggestion that won't benefit him. But I find I answer him nonetheless.

It's not an answer he expects. "Time consuming."

He blinks. "T-time consuming?"

"Unfortunately, I don't care enough to sell them through an auction house and wait for my proceedings." I wave a finger to his store. "This place seems more time saving for me. Is that something you'd be capable of doing?"

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now