Chapter 16 - The deal of a life time.

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The realms of the unfamiliar and the very existence of this exquisite landscape failed to convey the awe that countless elves experienced upon beholding this remarkable vista of an uncharted world. Open fields stretched out, adorned with a lush carpet of grass, while distant birds added their melodies to the scene. In the midst of this, an aged man with weathered features indulged in a rolled joint, exhaling wisps of smoke. Beside him, a procession of waggons moved steadily, carrying peasants and third-class citizens alike, journeying southward towards the uncharted continent. Meanwhile, in the north, the once tranquil regions had descended into a chaotic battleground as the enigmatic nation initiated its invasion of the beloved land.

The less fortunate members of the population had little recourse but to flee, a course of action undertaken by many as the elderly man guided the convoy along a rough dirt path that bore little resemblance to a well-trodden route.

Gazing across the horizon, his attention was captured by an unfamiliar wagon. Its resounding roar reached his ears, even from this considerable distance. The waggon, a tan hue concealed beneath an olive camouflage net, advanced on its own. This unexpected sight left the elderly man momentarily bewildered, prompting him to bring the entire convoy to an abrupt stop. As the convoy's occupants felt the sudden halt, a figure emerged from within the wagon—the commanding chief who led the way.

"What the bloody hell is happening? Why have you brought the damn column to a halt?" the chief demanded.

"Chief, have a look over there; those things are heading towards us," came the reply. The chief turned his gaze in the direction the speaker was facing. The appearance of an object or entity that demanded his reverence became apparent shortly after the tan contraption and its kin surged into swift motion. The foremost armoured vehicle veered towards their position.

An unsettling fear gripped the elderly chief. They lacked the means to defend themselves—no weapons, no soldiers. The convoy consisted solely of refugees and the ailing and was carried in forty waggons. This procession was composed of those fleeing the war-ravaged villages and cities to the north.

"What course of action should we take?" the villager exclaimed, his realisation dawning that a discussion might be more reasonable than immediate flight.

As the vehicles drew nearer, the earth trembled beneath the weight of their engines. The words, "What is this?" slipped from the chief's lips, a mix of incredulity and recognition. He had either heard of or seen these entities before, and now they were right on their intended path, looming larger as they approached. A four-by-four armoured vehicle, adorned in olive-green camouflage that concealed its tan base, came into view. Its windows held an observer, and a weapon was manned atop it, a sight that sent a shiver down the old chief's spine. He swallowed hard as the vehicle came to a halt beside him.

The driver's side of the Humvee revealed a figure waving towards the chief. Atop the vehicle, a young man adorned in a distinctive form of armour could be discerned. He projected his voice towards the chief and the onlookers.

"Which road leads to the capital of Elijah?" he shouted down towards the chief.

Without hesitation, the chief responded, "Follow this road and head north!" His voice trembled slightly, reflecting his continued anxiety and fear.

Loud and distinct, the soldier atop the Humvee appeared satisfied with the response. Meeting the chief's gaze, the soldier offered a nod of acknowledgement, acknowledging the instruction with a simple bow. The radio emitted a burst of static as the soldier communicated, and soon after, the vehicles resumed their pace, passing by the Humvee while keeping a watchful eye on their rear and the landscape beyond the hill.

As they advanced along the road, the chief found himself repeatedly glancing back at the driver. "Very well, it appears that we have a clear understanding," the driver affirmed.

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