Chapter 6 - The new world of america

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Capital Suarez, the kingdom of Gallimard.

August 15th, 678 AD

Day prior, before the opening of the gate.

Within a great plain of Gallimard, a land where the grass is greener and the farming is greater, many come to Gallimard, with stories and legends have said that people who come to his nation will become richer than nobles with the land being the best for farming and earning but with the situation showing many didn't come to Gallimard and the sight of trudging elves with some with wagons fleeing towards the closed country as the reports of their country's capital being inspected, like Cielo before Gallimard will be soon be taken from from the humans, and having this known for the human's relations to non-human-like species people fear the rise with many fleeing while another stay for the fight for their homeland.

Surrounding by a massive force of soldiers wyverns fly around outside the walls and what lays at the centre, a massive city with the inner wars being greater than any city within the southern continent, walls being around 30ft tall, too tall for the people around as the soldiers out from the wall having a hard time taking control of Suarez. After 3 days of marching and some extra moment of raiding and pillaging general Lazarus, and his commanders sit down far from the walls under the tent with elves chained and weaken serves the officers and Lazarus, sustenance with many being hand-fed by the elves they had, taken custody. 

Supervising the siege there current on, his 50,000 thousand were bringing the battle on the stalemate with many having a difficult time getting through within the capital, a glaring show that Gallimard forces were using these walls to their advantage. Knowing that Gallimard had far better fortifications than any other nation within the southern continent, he pulls out a small map as he taps around the capital thinking of a way his forces can break-in. Having 50,000 against forces of 10,000 soldiers, Lazarus appreciates that he had a force far larger than his enemies but having to know that his enemy can do many of the killings out from the gate, he sighs as he sees that an opportunity couldn't be compelled.

"Damn! These Gallimard know that their fortifications are far better than most we encountered. These bastards knew that we were coming so no wonder they had traps around the city!"

Larazus sighed, from the stress with him knowing that he gonna get far more casualties than Lielo offensive, and having to see that his soldiers taking time taking control of the gate, and seeing that an immediate plan is needed he looked to his right, standing beside him was an officer as he gazed back waiting for his command.

"Inform the wyverns squadron to begin their bombing on the gate, we can't have this take too long!"

"But sir. Doing so means that they will call out their wyverns out to intercept them I suggest we~"

Raising his finger to him he immediately silenced the officer as he looked back at him with a glare.

"Just do it!"

Hearing this, he shortly after turned around as he placed towards the rear to see a field filled with many wyverns laying around with the riders sitting or lying next to their wyverns, he quickly heads towards them the wyvern captain laying as he faces towards the sky. As she glanced towards it didn't take too long to see the sun be blocked off and having to quickly recognise it the commanding officer got up as he inquired.

"What are my orders!"

"Having that we are in a tight situation, under generals orders, your forces will be above the walls and use high mana explosive to break that gate!"

Hearing this order, quickly made the captain take afoot, and look towards his back and face his squadron as he yelled at his group.


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