Chapter 12 - Terror within san Francisco

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 for the late post for both series, life is hard and I try my best to update these stories!.



Capital Fakirok, the kingdom of Galimore.

24th day of Aleister, august 24th 2021.

The sky was dark and the breeze was cold, gleaming through the dark sky was a burning capital, a city far bigger than its population scorches across the outer city where the inner capital building itself fends off against the invaders outside. The screams of the locals reflected around the burning capital, thousands of the civilians all lining up against the gate, many banging loudly and hastily as their cries were heard outside.''


On another side of the gate, men standing six feet tall and holding on to a variety of weapons, soldiers part of the Royal Guard of the Galimore wore a vast array of armour with many added details and even a few wearing a decoration of service to display their role serving there ruling majesty.

Remember remember! Don't let fear come to you, OVERCOME ANYTHING YOU SEE!"


The cheers of the men within their walls echoed around with their loud whales overshadowing the people outside, in their formation with hundreds of men on a different unit, their equipment and weapons itself was a mismatch with even the archers at the back having different bows to use.

Like the footmen at the front, hundreds of archers at the back prepared for the outcome that lay on the other side of the gate, smiling knowing that this would be their last day, and being told to counter against the onslaught of wyverns and thousands of hard men. Victory would be in their grasp but it was something they could honour.

With thousands guarding the gate, the soldiers could the banging getting louder, with the calling of helping now starting to become a scream of pain, immediately after wyverns above them screams out its roar causing many inside surprises by the instant assault.

Shortly after, an explosion behind dropped down below as wyverns, carrying snatches drop their magic powder below with a large explosion causing significant damage against the men as their cry of pain could be heard below.

"Drop your load, man! They can't stop us now!"

The captain of the wyvern cheered on, having made many of the riders quickly drop their payload against the men below; the wyverns fly above them, and shortly after archers a few distances away immediately looked up at the sky bow stretch, aiming towards the five wyverns.


They pulled the bow's string causing a smoothing arrow in hundreds whooshing above the sky as riders immediately realized the attack, tried their best to dodge. But perpetrating they tried, the arrows outmatched the riders and immediately after, all were killed within the sky with the screams and the cries of the riders plumping down towards their death.

With the wyverns dealt with, officers and soldiers riding around their horses yell out from the concise men laying around the ground. 


his words had awoken many of the men, but even with the number of his forces getting up, some was laying down after the blast with many potential knocked out, the commander was worried at the other side of the wall and fight them with barely the force to have an equal fight made him quite irritated.

"I can't fight this! I have barely any men. And all of them are knocked from that fucking bomb!"

His thoughts of worries didn't hog, as shortly after some of his men assisted the wounded men on the ground, he had them get up, them still carrying on to their weapons.

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