Chapter 15 - called the marines!

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12 km away from Diamond beach, the kingdom of Elijah

8:23 AM, September 12, 2021.

Lindor 22, of 679.

USS Essex.

The sun is shining brightly in the sky, and roaring engines can be heard across the flight deck. As the loud chatter of commands within the bridge reports done towards the flight deck and the sight of a busy deck, expeditionary marines board on V-22 Osprey. The captain is perplexed as to how everything happened in less than two months.

On the other hand, it was strange that a change of expression towards Elijah's kingdom had America now willing to aid them in a war they had discussed many times, and the only reason they had to arrive in San Francisco was to ensure that seeing people with long ears didn't make them enemies. The captain was a mix, although having attended isn't an attack but a mistake on their part, having the power of magic and the ability to wipe out the entire US with their magic.

The ability to open portals and dragons, these fantasy monsters if the Chinese got to them, had him wondering if America didn't take on their offer of helping them in their new world, it would be different from what he was currently acting, likely fighting against the Chinese or Russians in Ukraine frontlines, seeing their potential uses he was still dumbfounded what made them want aid from a foreign yet have the abilities li Nah, the captain recognizes that 2020 will be an eventful year.

With that concluded that he walked back inside the bridge after taking his short smoke break, everyone on the bridge saluted his arrival as he simply said: "Continue" everyone went into motion as the captain got back up into his chair. The mission was simple and short, their 13th expeditionary marines will first take and clear the beachside before the main marine forces landed before them, alongside them Colonel Ross would take part as prior reports from Washington informed that representatives would be present on the beach scheduled for the landing.

As the elevator carrying the F-35B descends on the hangar, the engines of the V-22 Osprey become more audible, and one officer approaches the captain to inform him of the following information:

"Sir, all birds are fueled and ready! We will commence on your orders, sir!"

The captain looks at his wristwatch and sees that they have 5 minutes until they arrive at Diamond Beach. He looks over to XO and nods, having previously observed the ospreys packed and ready.

"Very well then, commence launch."

"Right away sir!"

The deck crew clears out as the ospreys' engines roar, gradually increasing their lift. The five atop the USS Essex move to the side, their exhaust blowing away the waters, which fades as all five begin to fly closer to the beach two kilometers away. They could see the beach not far away from here from the bridge. The captain scans the men, hoping it isn't something they had considered earlier. The dangers of this new world: this isn't the Pacific or Atlantic oceans; it's an ocean from another world. By looking over at the war, the ocean can tell; it appears deeper than any other.

And the continent's landmass in front of him appears quite unnatural and seeing it with his own eyes, he can't believe it's real. His forces are now willing to undertake a military operation beyond "Earth". It's a thrilling time to be alive.

Witnessing the marines aboard USS Essex sent out, hundreds of marines aboard USS Portland, James, and many marines watch as they lead on towards the diamond beach. Over five ships in this small expeditionary force yet more to come once the landing zone is a success viewing such a scene, marines chuckle some whistled at the presence of flying Osprey:

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