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"Other people buy pets to prepare themselves on how to raise a kid or get one of those realistic toy babies, I am left with a real baby to take care of. Lucas, if this child ends up being yours, you have a lot of compensations to make to me."

Paul cooed in my ear and I smiled, getting soft for him already. I kissed his chubby cheek and made my way out of the room.

Soon after, I was leaving the house and as I left the small front yard, a dull sensation and a feeling of awareness filled me. It was as if someone was watching me. I blinked and looked around, checking to see anything or anyone. When I saw nothing, I shrugged and started making my way toward Evangeline's house. Just as I reached her front door, the feeling came again and I turned around sharply. My heart picked up in fear when I saw someone in dark clothing which were a face cap with a hoodie over their head and dark pants. The person was standing behind a parked car just by the entrance of our place.

I swallowed and quickly unlocked the door with my eyes still on the person. My hands were shaky, my heart was racing and my body was numb from fear. The person raised their gloved hand and waved then made a finger gun, pointing it at me. My breath seized when they pretended to shoot before turning away, walking off. I leaned against the door as the person walked off.

I was frozen to the spot for some minutes before I saw a familiar car pull up from the other side of the road. The car stopped and I saw Matt get out of the car. He looked around and did a double take at me before waving enthusiastically.

I blinked and bowed my head, taking a deep sigh of relief. My mind started to wander, going back to the person and what they wanted. This was the first time such happened and fear of the unknown crept in. Whoever this person was obviously was a danger and threat.

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Lucas' POV

I could not believe what I was hearing. It made my heart skip a beat and anger to dominate my being. I was speechless to the core as the words that had been spoken by my boss repeated in my head.

I was dropped from the team. How was that even possible?

I had done nothing. My recent races has been successful except that one time Cindy accompanied me. I owed no debt and had no issue with anyone on the team or the other teams. It left me confused.

"Why?" I asked and my bald headed boss shrugged nonchalantly and leaned against his leather seat.

"We needed to cut some people off. You see, with the recent recession, things are a bit hard financially and you are our most expensive racer. I can afford to lose races but can't afford to pay you anymore. Our cut is even low because of you."

I banged my hand on the desk, rattling it.

"Bullshit!" I yelled. "I make enough for the team to go around. What I make on those race tracks are mine and the rest goes to the management. So, explain how the most processional race team suddenly wants to dispose of me. On top of that, why isn't Hellz getting dropped too? She is just as good as me and barely loses any race. So, why me?!"

He waved his hand and turned his seat so he was looking away from me.

"Things change, Lucas. Besides, before you came on the team, someone as good as you was disposed. Now, leave my office before I ban you."

I stood firm in my anger as I glared at the aged man. My body was boiling from rage. I couldn't just leave the team out of the blue even though I was getting into a more legal and professional racing team. This was not how I wanted to end things. Before I went into national teams, I needed to still make more cash before officially leaving this team but this happened. It went against my plans.

With a scoff, I rushed out of the office and banged the door hard. I ran my fingers through my hair before continuing my walk out of the small building. As soon as I got to my car, I pulled out my phone when it rang. I saw it was a call from the team I was supposed to join. I was worried for a second before answering the call.

"Hello? Is this Lucas Hamilton?"

"Yes. I am. How may I help?"

"Alright. Actually, we called to tell you that you no longer meet the evaluation and will be dropped from the list. We apologize."

Before I could speak, the call ended and I wanted to punch something in that moment. This did not make any sense. How was it that both teams ended up sending me away? Something was not right.

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With the anger still in me, I drove home. When I arrived and entered the house, I met Cindy dancing to the loud sound of music. The noise pissed me off and the joy I saw in her added to it. When she saw me, she ran up to me, dancing and when she took my hands, I got even more pissed off.

"Come on, let's party!"

"Cindy, I am warning you. Let me go right this instant."

Cindy laughed. "Even better. Let's have fun."

She came closer to me and moved her body against mine. I looked away, and wiggled my arms to free myself but she forced her arms around my neck. I held her wrists and tired to pry them off but she didn't stop. She danced more aggressively and I tilted my head backward to at least free her arms more better but her grip was tight.

"Let me go, Cindy."

"No," she said.

"I am not in the mood for any of these. Please, let me go right now!" I was getting more pissed off and when she tried to kiss me, I moved away and she whined then tried again.

This time, I got even angrier and pushed her off me, making her stagger for a second. I watched her fall backward until she landed on a table behind the couch and a sickening thud was heard. When she dropped to the floor with eyes slightly open and body not moving, fear overtook my body.

I stared at her body, waiting for her to respond instead, I saw blood pooling from under her head, spreading around her hair.

"H-hi. I-I just witnessed a murder," a new voice said.

And when I turned around to see who it was, I saw a stranger with her phone pressed against her ear.

I was doomed.

A/N: Dun, dun, duuunnn. Hehe, I am back with plot twists. and cliffies.

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