what could be happening at the moment?

Summayyah on the other hand had started to feel uneasy about the situation on her desk. she watches as Awwal performs the direct examination on his witness but their evidence wasn't authentic, they didn't sound like they were actually there, except... Her eyes fell on a dirty looking man who claimed to be Hashim Ismail by name.

He said that he was there when Baffa tried to catch the man Maimuna was having an affair with because Baffa wasn't able to walk on his own after their friend dropped them off so he decided to help because he wasn't wasted and Maimuna refuses to open the door.

Some how it got Summayyah second guessing the whole story, but how could a lie be so true?

She let out a stressful sigh and was brought out of her thought to Awwal saying. "No further questions at the time, your honour!" And he returned to his seat.

She got up and submitted a flash drive and a file to the court clerk, presenting her evidence and everything the court will need to find Baffa liable of his offence yet she needed to cross examine his witnesses, she needed to know if truly what they were saying was the truth.

The flash was inserted in the system and the pictures Malam Alamin said he has of her bruises was dispalyed on the projector.

They were pictures of her swollen Purple and blackish eyes, pictures of his fingers inprint on her face, pictures of her Injured legs, wrist and waist.

"Are these the pictures of injures, mrs Maimuna sustained" she asked him.

He nodded. "Yes they are!"

"Your honour, may this be entered as exhibit, as the witness has identified them as the injuries she had sustained!"

The judge turned over to Awwal's desk. "Any objection?"

Awwal stood up. 'No objections your honour!'

"This will be entered as exhibit then,!" The clerk eject the flash and kept it aside as part of the exhibit.

"Your honour! Please permit me to cross examine the defendant's witness!" She asked, seeking for approval she met Baffa and Awwal shocking expression on her.

The judge nodded, "you may proceed!"

"Thank you?" She approached Hashim Ismail in particular expecting to get some answers from him. "Mr Hashim, i want you to answer me with a yes or no!"

"Yes ma'am!"

"You came back with Mr. Baffa around 12:15Pm"

"Yes, we did!"

"The door was closed!?"

"Yes, it was?"

"Did you see the man you claim Mrs Summayyah was having an affair with while you stand outside?"

"It was dark so...!"

She got pissed. "Did you see or did you not!?" She asked, her voice slightly raising defining her frustration.


"Very well, no further questions your honour at the time."

She would be lying if she didn't say that she was getting frustrated, irritated and furious. What Was she going to do next? The thought of her sim crossed her mind and she got a little comfort from there. 

I hope Azman and Rukayyah are fine, she thought inwardly.

At time skipped, all that was necessary was presented before the judge and it was time for them to take a rest. The court took a thirty minute break and everyone shuttles out right after the judge.

Summayyah and Maimuna returned to the courts premises after praying Zuhr as they walked in silence. Summayyah understood that she didn't want to talk or bring up any discussion because she knows that she is lost in her own thoughts. Just then, an elderly looking man in his early fifties called out to Summayyah interrupted their walks as the two of them stopped watching the man approach them.

"Salaam Summayyah! How have you been?" He asked.

"Salaam, Mr Usman. i have been good alhamdulilah. How is your family?" She asked.

"They are doing good, Rahma has always wanted to meet you when I told about a college her age but i don't think you have the time to do that right now do you?"

"Im afraid i am not, the court session will resume and i have to be there on time!"

"Oh... That's really brilliant... You are so smart Summayyah!" He complimented her. Somehow, maimuna was feeling left out, she was feeling like she was making the two of them uncomfortable again the same time she also wanted to be alone for a while with her thoughts so she excused herself, leaving them to talk as she walks over to a bench under a tree, where she could shade from the burning sun.

The moment she sat there, she let out an exhausting sigh as she looking down at her hands. Was what i did the right thing? Would the court find him liable? But why would he go that far to accuse me of adultry? Was that what he meant when he said the game was just being?

Tears filled her eyes as she sighs again, blinking so that the tears couldn't fall. However, her mother has been looking for while Hajara aaked her to calm down. She sighted her seated all alone by herself as she grunts and walks towards her, furiously.

"What the hell do you think you are doing. Shagiya! (You bastard!?) Her mouth shouted at her, with her voice shrill.

Maimuna was startled as she looked up to see her mother, she quickly stood up in fright lowering her head innocently. "Ma'ma?"

"Kar ma ki fara! Ban san haka kike ba ai. Toh yanzu gayamim, nasaran mai kika samu da kika kawo shi kotu? Mai dalili dan ya duke ki?" (Don't even start! I didn't know this is how you are. So tell me, what did you achieve by bringimg him to court? What is there because he beats you?" She askes arrogantly.

Maimuna raised her head and looked her mother for the very first time in the eyes, Ashamed of what she is hearing from her mother. Its true that she didn't expect her mother to believe her even though she tried to explain but how could her mother just see it as Norm to be beaten by your husband for no reason. Is that what it is to get married? Was she not human enough to them but animal.

"Mama biki gane Ba ko?" (Mum, you don't understand right?" She asked, in a wobbly voice.

Her mother's brows draws together as the anger within her raised, she slapped Maimuna hard on the face enough for everyone's attention to be on them. "You selfish woman! What do you think you are. Are you not ashamed of yourself. You call yourself a wife and  a mother but what? You had another man in your matrimonial home? How disgraceful and unfortunate could you be!?" She screamed.

"Whats going on over there?" Mr Us man asked as his attention fell on them. Summayyah followed his gaze as it fell on Maimuna, she immediately excused herself and scurry to her aid.

"It wasn't true mama, walahi kinda yarda da ni. (I swear, you should believe) even if it once)" Maimuna cried.

"Danallah rufe mini baki! Kukan mai zakiy? (Come on shut your mouth, what are you crying for!)

Hajara felt sorry for her sister as she tried to console her mother but she knocked her hand off her. "If you touch me i will not hesitate to hit you too!" She warned.

"What difference does it make anyway, whether you hit her or not!?" Summayyah asked, standing beside Maimuna. Her eyes were fixed on the woman before her same as the woman. Meanwhile, Baffa was walking on the hallway with Awwal when he sighted the four women. His stopped as his brows furrowed.

"What's going on with that woman?"

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