
Start from the beginning

"Did the vuctim mention any prior incidence of domestic violence to you?"


"Do you have a picture, note or anything?"

"No i don't"

"Very well, thank you miss Samantha, no further questions your honour!" Summayyah said as she watch Samantha being escorted out of the court room and the last witness Malam Alamin walked in. She was relieved that this will be her last examination and she can get a seat so as the case can come to an end.

She briefly asked Alamin the native doctor, the same questions as of Samantha but it was different.

She asked if he was aware of the abuse and he said No, but the injuries she sustained was not that of a car accident but a brutal hit on the abdomen which cause her to lose so much blood.

"This is a civil case and Mrs Maimuna must prove this case on preponderance of the evidence, 'preponderance' here means that, proving the evidence to be sufficient for their position, the Vapp law exist to protect and encourage people from sexual abuse, nonsexual abuse and violation agaisnt their rights. Maimuna fell victim of Baffa who violated the law. Therefore, for these reasons, after you have heard all the Evidence, at the end of the trial we will ask you to return a verdict in favour of Mrs Maimuna. Thank you"

And with that, she ended her opening statement before returning to her seat beside Maimuna who returned the smile she had sent her before Awwal Bello, Baffa's lawyer stood up to present his opening statement.

I wonder what they'd present!

Awwal adjusted his coat as he walked to the front of the court room! He inhaled and exhaled sharply before he spoke, his voice was deep and dark sending chill to everyone in the court room. "May it please the court, the judge, jury and members of the counsel. On the 7th of August, 2023, Mr Baffa and his friends went out for a toast as his friend has gotten a promotion, they talked and drank the night away. It is true that Baffa has a habit of drinking but anything he was accused of was not true."

"What!?" Both Maimuna and Summayyah jerked. The judges brows furrowed, yet he waited patiently to the end of his statement. "Mr Baffa got drunk and he was dropped off by his friend. Almustapha Abubakar. Baffa came home that night pass 12am and was knocking on the door, it took about 30 minutes before his wife, Mrs Maimuna opened up the door. But before she opened the door, he peeped through the window and met his wife with another man, who he suspect she was having an affair with!" His tone dropped as Maimuna went numb, her eyes popping out as she felt lifeless, summayyah was swayed by the man lies on the other hand.

Her mother covered her mouth in shame to what she has just heard, but her daughter hajara ask her not to conclude till the court closes.

"When she opened the door, he was in range and he went bunkers on the man who had no shame staying the night with his wife while he was away, they fought while his memories was intact but the man ran away when he got an opening. He was angry and he demanded for answers from his wife but she didn't come up with one and he blacked out immediately. He didn't do anything to her that she lost consciousness, maybe she was right that she got hit by a car or something, she wasn't saying the truth when she said he beats her. He must be so possessive of her and why does he do that when he is drunk? When he woke up, he said he could remember beating a man but he ran away and that he was looking for his wife."

"He was worried sick when he saw his kids but without their mother!"

Maimuna was taken aback. He was worried? What crap is he plotting!? Her fist tighten her skirt but Summayyah held her and whispers to her ears. "Anger will only make this worse!"

"Therefore, Mr Baffa was not sane at the time his wife accused him of battery so which ever happens, he was out of his sound mind and at the close of the evidence, many questioms will be remained unanswered and those questions will eqaute to the burden of prove And that burden of proof will prevent the plaintiff from meeting that burden. At the close, the court will do what the evidence demands In this case to find Mr Baffa not Liable of every charges. Thank you!"

Summayyah was devastated, this could not be happening, they changed the story by why? And whow? She thought, clenchingbher teeth from within. She knows that whatever is going on, she will never let them win and she would do everything in her power to prove the burden that Mr Baffa is liable, after all she had witnessed it twice with her own eyes.

Its their time to play, but when the board eventually bturns around her she wouldn't let anyone leave this court room alive.

Mark my words Baffa!

Hiiii lovelies,  you might be wondering how i managed to create this, I've never been to court before amd I've only watch them on TV and read them in books. They are not professionally defined but at least something like this will be stated.

When i was young i thought, its all about arguing and Raising voices but after my researches and studies, i realised that, that's not actually what matters, what matters is how you present your case, how much evidence you have off your sleeves and here maimuma was favoured and of course she needs justics and i hope she is going to get it.

But what i am actually surprised was how Baffa was able to create a different story ontop of what he was accused of or are we saying we have two defendants lol that can not be possible, his story is not straight forward.

He go explain tire no evidence lol.

By the way! Heresay above means that, a statement by a witness who did not see or hear the incident in question but heard about it from someone else, its not usually admissible as evidence in court so its just part of the narration.

I hope you are enjoying it. Have a great day!

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