The Love of My Life

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As Wrecker walks past you, he knocks one of the mugs off the counter. You quickly use the Force to bring it up on the counter before it falls to the ground.

Wrecker laughs. "Nice catch!"

You pour some caf into two mugs. You get some bantha milk and sugar and pour it into Tech's coffee, just the way he likes it, and then go back to his room.


It seems that Tech changed into his everyday clothes while you were making his calf. You hand it to him. He takes a sip of it and smiles slightly.

"You remembered."

"Of course I remembered, silly."

"Do you also remember how awkward we were before we started dating?"

You laugh softly. "Yeah. Like the time when you hit your head while fixing the ship?"

"You were awkward, too."

"Of course I was. I was just some rogue Jedi who you all took in for information, and then..."

"You fell for me." Tech finishes your sentence.

You sip your caf. "I didn't fall for you. You tripped me."

"What can I say?" Tech laughs. "I'm just so charismatic."


Echo calls Tech to the cockpit to land the ship on Ord Mantell. You change into what you wear when you aren't on a mission and leave Tech's room. You approach Hunter in the main part o the Marauder.



"Are we going to get a mission today?"

Hunter shakes his head. "Most likely, no. I was thinking that we all deserve a break, especially you."

"You're kind." You smile.

You lose your balance slightly as the ship lands, but you're able to catch yourself. Tech and Echo get up from their seats and walk down the stairs to exit the Marauder.

"Oh, my lightsaber!" You say. "Wait... I don't need it."

"Geez, do they program you Jedi, too? You always need to have your lightsaber on you." Crosshair remarks.

"If you count years of my master saying, 'Always be prepared, Y/N.' or 'You never know what could happen. Someone or something could attack you at any moment.', then yes."


All of you enter Cid's parlor. The same radio station as last time is playing.

Hunter turns to all of you. "I'll go collect our credits."



"Let's play Sabacc."

"Ah, switching it up from Dejarik, I see."


"You seem quite confident in your skills."

"Oh, I am. You have no idea how good I am at playing Sabacc."

"Is that so? We shall see."


You and Tech go sit down at one of the tables. You deal some cards to you both.

"Considering the amount of cards in the deck and the probability of-"

"Shh. Just wait."


You go first. You're familiar with the rules of Sabacc from all the times you played it with the 104th by the fire during breaks on your missions. You smirk when you see the hand you have.

"What's the smirk for?"

"Oh, nothing at all."

"You're being suspicious. Play your cards."

You do so and gesture for him to take his turn. Tech plays some surprisingly good cards.

"Not so confident now, are you?" Tech says, satisfied.

"Just you wait, Tech. I've got a few more cards up my sleeve."


After a few more rounds of playing, you win the game.

"How did you- but I-" Tech begins.

"I have a lot of experience playing Sabacc. I remember those days with Wolffe, Sinker, Comet, Warthog, and Corvis."

"Well, no matter. I will win the next time we play."

Hunter walks over to you two. "I got the credits. The rest of us were planning to walk around Ord Mantell. Do you want to join?"

"You all can go on ahead." Tech says. "I need to do something, but I will catch up with you."

"Alright. We'll see you soon." Hunter responds.

"I love you." Tech says to you as you leave.

You smile. "I love you too."


The others didn't hear your conversation with Hunter and Tech. Crosshair looks around him for Tech.

"You left your boyfriend at the cantina?"

"No, Crosshair." You sigh. "He told us he had to do something."

"Can we go get Mantell Mix?" Wrecker asks Hunter eagerly.

"Sure. Let's do it."

You all walk to the Mantell Mix stand and get a few cartons.

"How long is he going to be gone for, anyway?" Echo asks.

"Yeah, he's probably getting eaten by a Rancor." Crosshair teases.

"Technically, Rancors aren't native to Ord Mantell."

"He's influencing you. She's doing the 'technically' thing he does."

You laugh. "Yeah. I guess you'd better get used to it."


As you walk with the rest of the squad, you sense Tech's presence. You turn around and see him walking towards you.

"Finally!" Wrecker yells.

"I'm sorry I was gone." Tech says. "I've been researching flowers in climates such as these and I found out that a beautiful flower grows here on Ord Mantell. I went to get one for you." 

"That's so sweet." You smile. "I would've gone with you, though."

"Well, that would've ruined the surprise."

Tech puts the flower in your hair. 

"For you, my love."

Tech x Female Jedi ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz