-about seven days later-

''You should be ready for active duty now, lieutenant colonel. I'm sorry about your right arm, sir, but it was damaged too much to be repaired. On the plus side, you have a cool metallic arm now with built in grappling hook.'' the medic droid informed me and another one came with my belongings. ''Your stuff, commander.''

My right arm was badly burned and the metal of my blaster pistol melted as well. It had to be removed and replaced with a new cybernatic arm. ''Thank you, medic.'' I said my gratitude and grabbed my uniform. As I looked at my belongings, I saw my red kyber crystal and the deceased jedi's lightsaber. ''Droid, I want you to analyse this lightsaber. See how it works and if my crystal can be fit into it.''

''You wish to make for yourself a lightsaber, sir?'' the medic droid asked. ''I have a dozen or so lightsaber designs in my memory banks, sir.''

''How do you know a dozen or so designs? I'm quite curious.'' I asked the droid.

''I was in service during the Clone Wars, sir. I treated several jedi and I just so happened to catch glimpses of their lightsaber designs. I can show you if you like.''

''Yes please.'' I said and the droid showed me said images of the designs. ''Nope.'' I said as I looked at the first one. ''Nope. Nope. Pretty good but not what I quite like.'' I muttered and the droid started analysing the lightsaber.

''It seems that the lightsaber is made of the metal known as dolovite sir.'' the droid told me. ''You're just in luck as Samovar is quite rich in the metal.''

''I believe it was over seven hundred credits a barrel on the market.'' I said and the droid nodded. ''Did you find out how it works? The lightsaber?''

''Yes sir. But first, let's see if your red crystal is compatible as my sensors detect some different energy reading between the two crystals.'' the droid suggested and carefully took out the blue crystal and inserted my red one. It worked and he turned it on and went bonkers immediately. ''It's alive! It's alive! Muwahahaha! It's alive!'' he said like a mad scientist embracing his creation, only for the lightsaber to explode in his face.

''I think we should make a new one. And by 'we', I actually meant you.'' I said and continued organizing the troops.

''Very well sir.'' the droid then made a lightsaber from the design I choose with dolovite. The parts that made up the saber were close to the dead jedi's and after he finished, he inserted the red kyber crystal in. ''It's alive! It's alive!'' he exclaimed and it exploded in his face again. ''A third time!'' he said and worked on a new model.

I just shook my head at the droid's wacky antics. I got my data pad and decided to work on my own lightsaber design, taking inspiration from the other designs I saw. However, as I started on the design, I felt strange. As if I was being guided by something and I just went along with it. Time seemed to move about in a strange fashion, my body feeling in a similar strange way and I designed a lightsaber. ''Droid.'' I called to him. ''Use this.'' I said and gave him the design I made.

''Are you sure, sir? Very well.'' the droid instantly got to work and designed it. Soon, my very own lightsaber was complete and the red kyber crystal was put in. This time, it lasted a minute and the saber did not blow up. ''It's alive! It's alive!'' he exclaimed before giving the lightsaber to me.

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