Chapter 51

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Harry's face lit up and then looked down at Draco's state and his face which had a warning expression on it.

"Potter, Don't. You. dare." he clenched his jaw and raised his eyebrows up warningly.

Harry now mimicked the mischievous grin that Pansy had on her face and made his way closer to Draco in his very vulnerable state.

"Potter." he said again warningly, he swore he almost heard a bit of fear in his tone that time.

Harry stifled a laugh and Pansy spoke again, "His right side is most ticklish." she said with an amused look on her face.

Draco tried to elbow Pansy with his free arm, cursing under his breath at her for saying such treacherous lies.

Harry got near Draco's right side and Draco looked mortally afraid. He used his legs to try to kick at Harry to get him away. 

Harry laughed again when he couldn't reach him, getting closer again and he experimentally poked Draco's right side. 

Draco squirmed under Pansy in an attempt to get away but failed miserably.

"Potter I swear-" Draco tried saying but Harry tickled his side and he let out a small unpreventable laugh.

"Potter stop." Draco said through gritted teeth, his face serious again, still glaring at Harry as he stuck a finger out close to Draco's side threateningly.

They held eye contact for a few seconds, Harry's eyes glowing with amusement while Draco's being laced with absolute irritation. 

Harry then smiled again and with one hand tickled Draco's side for a few seconds. Draco tried moving away again and his facial expressions were stupidly hilarious. 

One moment he would be smiling while trying to stop laughing and getting away and the other his face would turn back to serious and glaring.

"You're going to regret that." Draco struggled to mumble between laughs as Harry now used both his hands to tickle the both sides of Draco's body.

Harry didn't hear his remark as he was too busy smiling and being in some sort of trance by the sound of Draco's laughter. 

He really should laugh more often. Draco used his free hand to reach for a pillow near him and grasped it so hard his knuckles turned white. 

With the same amount of force he moved his arm up and behind him so it smacked Pansy right in the face and with his other arm, elbowed her again and rolled to his side to get her off him. 

Pansy fell to the side of him and he sat up, almost smacking his and Harry's faces together, the faintest pink color on his cheeks from laughing.

"Oh shit." Pansy said as the pillow smacked her face again and Harry tried to get away before Draco could get his revenge on him.

Draco saw this and instantly tackled Harry to the floor without hesitation, doing absolutely anything and everything in his power to get back at both of them. 

Harry lay flat on his back again and the first thing Draco did was grab hold of his hands so he was practically defenseless. 

Harry looked up at Draco who used his own legs to pin Harry's down, bunching up Harry's hands into one of his own and beginning to tickle his stomach.

"No!" Harry exclaimed with a smile as he started laughing uncontrollably. He too was ticklish.

Draco continued to tickle Harry, Harry squirming under his grasp and trying to get his arms free to defend himself as he laughed.

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