Chapter 49

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SORRY FOR LATE UPDATE!!! school started again and I wanna k-ll myself 🙂/hj.

Um this one is longer than the usual chapter so yeah, anyway try not to cry-

(its not that sad)

The moment Harry closed and locked the door he sat down on the floor with his back against it, putting a silencing charm on the room so no one could hear him.

He felt like screaming yet he couldn't even manage to find his voice anymore, it was just gone.

He felt like crying, his heart felt like it was ripping up into thousands of pieces as if it were just thrown carelessly into a blender.

Harry was shaking, his breath was becoming faster and shallower by the seconds.

What was he supposed to do? He had thought that after he destroyed Voldemort for good, all his powers had gone away- which they did, including being a parselmouth, or so he thought.

So how was he now speaking parseltongue if Voldemort was gone? There's no way he could be back.. Right?

Harry was terrified, he didn't want more people to die, not when his life was just becoming decently normal again.

He brought his knees to his chest, the tears forming in his eyes but he refused to let them fall.

He brought Draco's hoodie up to his chest and right above his nose, covering half of his face with it.

He shut his eyes and a single tear fell from his eye and he cursed but just let it happen.

He tried taking nice, long, deep breaths to calm him down, breathing in Draco's cologne which made him relax just a tiny bit.

Harry opened his eyes, now filled and falling with tears, as he slowly rocked himself back and forth, trying to breathe normally but they came out as shuddering shallow breaths.

He stayed silent though, he didn't dare make any noise regardless of the silencing charm in fear that if he heard himself he wouldn't be able to stop.

He tried his best to calm down even though it was hard for him to even breathe properly now.

His throat felt like it was getting sealed off and felt like he couldn't breathe. He felt sick. Harry, in a desperate manner to not throw up all over the bathroom floor, pulled himself to the toilet bowl just in case he did throw up.

He wanted to so badly keep Draco's hoodie up and in his face but he really, really didn't want to get vomit on it just in case he threw up.

He didn't even last five seconds before he felt those pancakes from just a few hours ago shoot up his throat and out into the toilet.

Now he was really crying. His vision was blurry because of all the tears in his eyes and he took off his glasses, almost dropping them into the barf filled toilet but they hit the side of the toilet bowl and then onto the floor, definitely breaking.

He didn't care about his glasses right now, how could he? There's a chance the dark lord might be back, why the hell would his glasses matter right now?

He gagged and threw up again, sobbing heavily now as he gripped onto the toilet bowl turning his knuckles white, wand in one hand.

He flushed the toilet, telling himself to not throw up anymore and he forced himself to stand up and clean his face.

His knees felt weak, his vision doubled and crossed and he grabbed on to the counter to balance himself before closing his eyes.

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