Chapter 26

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The hotel room door opened and Pansy, Draco and Harry walked in laughing and conversing about the events that had previously occurred. 

They had also gotten some food on their way back to the hotel and Harry set down a bag of takeout on the table as they made their way into the living room.

"So you knew this the whole time and not only did you not tell me you knew, but you gas-lit me into thinking you didn't know too? You two are mental." Draco was saying, pointing at Harry for the first bit and then looking at Pansy, plopping down on the couch next to her laughing her ass off.

Harry laughed on his way to the living room and sat on the arm chair, "Well technically it was your fault for believing I didn't know." Harry said in his defense.

"Well Why would you lie in the first place?" Draco bickered back, trying to win this argument.

Harry understood the assignment and narrowed his eyes, "I had to lie cuz your arse didn't want to go skating and I had to ask why you wouldn't go." He said.

"Why would you ask such personal questions of me?" Draco said in defense, putting a hand to his chest dramatically.

Harry looked at him with narrowed eyes as if he had just insulted his whole family lineage.

"Asking why you aren't going skating isn't a very personal question if you ask me." Harry said smartly, sounding a bit like Hermione and then laughing a bit because of it.

That reminded him, he really missed Ron and Hermione. 

They've only ever been away from each other this long when they were younger and school was out for the summer. And not to mention his cat, Charles. 

He missed Charles a lot, he made him feel happy whenever he was down and he just missed being with him just in general.

Draco looked back with the same mocking expression and turned his head dramatically to the side with his hand still on his chest, "it was personal to me." he said.

They were interrupted by a thud on the floor and they both looked down to see Pansy wheezing on the floor, holding her stomach as if it were to spill open at any moment. 

They then looked up at each other with confused expressions and looked back down at her. 

Pansy wiped a tear from her eye as she sat up and tried to catch her breath, taking a full minute before she could speak properly again.

"Do you hear yourselves? Honestly." she asked almost out of breath.

They both looked at each other confused again. "What do you mean?" Harry asked, not seeing how they're 'conversation' was or could be funny.

She wiped another tear from her eye, "You two sound exactly like an old married couple bickering about how you're both too old to water your flower gardens." She said, almost immediately bursting out laughing again.

Harry frowned and Draco tried to stifle a laugh, "No we don't." Harry said, ruffling his eyebrows and looking at Draco to see that he was on her side.

"We don't sound like old people." Harry frowned even more when Draco smiled widely and almost laughed at the ways Harry had said that.

"I don't sound like an old person but you do." Harry threw the pillow he was sitting on at Draco and crossed his arms, still frowning when Draco burst out laughing as well.

"You guys are pricks.'' Harry mumbled, getting up from the armchair and going to the bag on the table so he could grab something to eat.

Pansy and Draco were laughing in the living room and Harry was rummaging through the bag, taking out a box of chowman and grabbing a fork as well. 

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