"Who?" Asked Nakul.

"The old lady I saved from the river many years ago. The palmist I spoke about to you before?"

"Got it! What did she do this time, jumped on a tree?" Nathan joshed as he winked at his older brother and high-fived.

A pillow fell on his head, Nakshathra was ready with another pillow directed to Nakul but refrained from launching it. "Listen!" She demanded their attention. The need of attention was crucial, they had to understand the effect the plant would do to people in order to prevent it in the future. She begun to explain what Achi Mangalam had told her about the plant.

"Rimyama should never be brought out of Varmohin, if it did disaster awaits. One cannot simply extract medicines from Rimyama, only a Varhinsa can do it. Yes, Rimyama has the benefit as claimed by the merchant but a layman cannot extract the medicine on his own. It will be harmful, consumption of the leaves without proper extraction, can bring health problems to women, especially to pregnant ladies. Its smell so sweet and strong, it can kill the baby in the womb and for ladies, it can weaken the uterus resulting in one unable to bear child. Chances of them to conceive will only be possible with proper treatment.

The brothers listen to Nakshathra intently and they connected the insight shared with one of the most common issues raised by people across Kavish, from the villages to cities. The loss of unborn child and death of women during labour which could be categorised as accident or intentional. The exposure or sudden discovery of the plant could certainly cause more health problems in the kingdom.

"What did you do with the plants and did anyone else bought it?" Nakul asked with equal concern.

"We bury it near the Gaurisuta temple."

"That's far, Nakshathra. Did you go alone?" Nathan asked. His thick brows knitted.

"Of course not. I went with Achi Mangalam and the four guards who follows me everywhere." Nakshathra replied all the while massaging her legs.

They had gone to the furthest in the east of Sikva where Gaurisuta temple stood majestically. It was an old temple and have been under heavy surveillance since decades. People around the vicinity have multiple stories regarding its tight security; some say the king has locked a deadly prisoner under the temple, while some say the temple is reserved for only royal members and others say Lord Gaurisuta has an asura tied with the noose he carries around and many more. Yet no one knew the real reason behind the surveillance except for a few of them in the palace, the siblings were one of them.

In short, the temple holds gargantuan number of precious stones and golds from at least a century ago. It was said to have been buried to save guard the locals from being looted. Therefore, years after the incident the leader of the local settlement spoke to the people and had them all agreed to keep the treasure in there for future use. It was kept in mind that in case an unexpected disaster occurs, they would then divide it equally to each citizen regardless of their age or status for survival. Being buried in a land no one ever had an eye on, the treasure remained untouched for century.

When Achi Mangalam told her to get rid of the plant, one of the guards suggested a place close to Gaurisuta temple for its infertile soil present around the area. Nakshathra had weighed the possibilities and agreed to do so for not only will they get to discard the plant but no one would find it there as well if by chance it grows.

The journey took them three hours by foot but unfortunate for Nakshathra, they were delayed by another hour as the local swamped around her at the first sight of her presence. It took a lot of coaxing from Nakshathra to convince them to let her go so she could complete an urgent task before returning to hear them out.

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