Chapter 17: Back to School

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Following after the internships, everyone was back to class and was talking about how their internships were.  Satsuki was as usual in his desk somewhat listening to the conversation, while in reality he was having a conversation with his servants as he was also amused with Bakugo's current hairstyle which popped back to normal.

Satsuki: Looks like by everyone's expression's their internships went well.

Ereshkigal: How about you? Did you enjoy your internship with your teacher?

Satsuki: I hardly call it enjoying it, but yeah at least gave me a chance to come up with some new fighting moves, improve my endurance, meeting up with a certain opponent turned yeah I think you're right. Enjoying was the right word.

Ishtar: Don't forget beating up some old enemies of yours!

Satsuki: Yeah, that too. Didn't expect them to escape from prison though. Let alone running into them during our patrol that night. I don't know if it is either through dumb luck that we either ran into them or they are the dumbest group of villains that I have ever met.

Ishtar: Dumbest group of villains? That coming from the person who got nearly killed by the same group!

Satsuki: Oh shut up! Stop bringing up about my traumatic past! I've grown since that day you know and now it's been a year since then. 

Ereshkigal: But you still have a long way to go if you want to become a hero right?

Satsuki: Yeah. There is still much to learn even though I have already mastered my magic circuits. Let's see what today and tomorrow will bring.

Ishtar: Looking forward to it.....

Satsuki: You will see

Suddenly he was interrupted from his train of thoughts as he was given a light jab to the shoulder from Kaminari who was standing next to him.

Satsuki: Huh? What is it?

Denki: Jeez are you day-dreaming or something? We were asking about how the internships were! 

Satsuki: Sorry about that. I was just talking with my servants in my head.

Momo: Wait a minute. Did you say 'servants'? Did you gain another one?

Satsuki: Yeah. Got another one after the sports festival. And before you bother asking, yes she's also a Goddess.

Mina: Another servant?! this rate you're going to end up being the strongest in this class, U.A even!

Eijiro: Strongest might be of an understatement.  And at this rate it has shown all of us that we will need to work hard to catch up to him!

Kyoka: Who did you end up interning with though?

Satsuki: Aizawa.

Suddenly the whole class were shocked by his hero that he was interning with was also their teacher.

Satsuki: Why are you all so concerned about? He may be a teacher but it's also a pro-hero....well an underground hero to say the least.

Toru: But why him? Isn't he like strict and almost got all of us expelled during the quirk assessment test?!

Satsuki: One thing for sure he is strict. But although he is a hypocrite, I may have learned a few things from him. Especially when it came to stamina, endurance, speed and learned a new martial art technique as a result. On the other hand I had to go for a patrol with him with another intern and fought with some prison escapees.

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