Chapter 16- Internships

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It was now the day of internships. But as for Satsuki's case he had to report to school to start his internship with Aizawa as he was dressed in his hero costume. He sighed as he made his way to the building and then towards Ground Beta as he was instructed. There he stood and waited as he tapped his feet waiting for him to arrive.

Ishtar: Remind me why it was a good idea to pick this guy to intern with again?

Ereshkigal: Well he did say two days ago that no one outside the school knows about his magecraft and it's likely other heroes will likely exploit him for their own personal gain.

Ishtar: But why? Sure it is a good idea to keep information from going outside but could you have picked someone in this school that is more tolerable than him?

Ereshkigal: Maybe he has his own reasons to pick him right Satsuki?

Satsuki: Hmmm......

Ishtar: Are you even listening to the conversation?!

Satsuki: Sorry I was just in my own train of thought.....But yeah I have been listening to what you guys have been saying. Keep in mind other than the what Ereshkigal just said is one of my reasons I picked him.

Ishtar: And the other?

Satsuki: He's also the class-teacher here and also a pro-hero so although annoying and negative he may be, I can learn a few tricks from him.

Ishtar: A few tricks?

Satsuki: Keep in mind, I've learned a lot from you, especially the martial arts aspect so there is no need to act jealous over small trivialities.

Ishtar: That.....makes sense in some way so do as you wish.

Ereshkigal: Why are you saying that with a hint of jealousy in your voice?

Ishtar: Oh can it! At least I helped Satsuki with his training and his magic circuits and you haven't done anything yet!

Ereshkigal: Don't be so prideful! When he will really need my help, I will do my best even perhaps better than you! You will see!

Ishtar: We will see about that!

Satsuki: There is no need to treat this as a are both under my contract so I am sure you two will help me when I really need it.

???: Shinomiya? Is that you?

He then turned around and he saw someone he least expected. Shinso from the general studies and also wearing the U.A p.e uniform stood a few distances away from him and also approached him.

Ishtar: Never thought we will run into him again.

Ereshkigal: Is he the person that almost made Satsuki lose?

Ishtar: Yeah, he had mind control powers which he fell under immediately after being provoked. Until I took over his body and made him win the match. 

Satsuki: I wasn't expecting someone else to be here, let alone you.

Hitoshi: That's funny because I was about to say the same thing to you. Shouldn't you be doing internships with other top-heroes?

Satsuki: Well....I  am doing my internship here.

Hitoshi: I see. Anyway in my case, your teacher scouted for me and said I should also participate in this internship which is odd for someone in the General Course.

Satsuki: Perhaps he sees you as a potential after your progress through the sports festival and nearly beating me during our first match.

Hitoshi: You're never going to leave that down are you? Although it wasn't you that won the match if I'm not correct? It's your summon that took over your body.

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