Chapter 5-Class Rep

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The next day Satsuki was taking his usual route to school when he saw the entrance was flocked with news reporters standing at the gates as if they were waiting for someone. He went back and hid on one of the walls to avoid being detected.

Satsuki: Looks like we got trouble....

Ishtar: What do you mean trouble? Don't tell me that principal leaked the information about what we discussed?!  I'm going to kill him!!!

Satsuki: Don't jump to conclusions just yet. I think they are here for an entirely different reason and I think the news yesterday had something to that effect.

Ishtar: Right....about that pointy haired hero that taught you yesterday.

Satsuki: Yeah about All Might being hired as a teacher in U.A might have gotten the attention of everyone so it's likely the media descended here and will likely pester everyone who will come in here and that includes me.

He then looked at the wall which was bordering the school and the outside path.

Satsuki: At least I know of a way to get in without causing a ruckus. I will need you to get me on the other side using your Maanna, can you help me with that?

Ishtar: Looks like you don't handle well with crowds don't you?

She says with a smug tone which of course made him frown and then sigh.

Satsuki: Are you going to help me or not?

Ishtar: Of course I'm going to help you....I was just teasing you

Satsuki: Please don't do that again

Ishtar: No promises.

He then sighed as he looked around first before summoning her out who coincidentally had also summoned her boat of heaven. She then grabbed his hand and flew over to the other side and then dematerializing almost immediately to avoid anyone from noticing the act.  He then ran into the school building while the teachers were conversing with the media and then went into a walking pace now heading to class before the bell could ring.

Satsuki: That was a close call....for a second there I thought I was going to be noticed.....

Ishtar: By who? The teachers or the reporters?

Satsuki: Both!  Jeez....I don't know what I would have said if they caught us in the act. What matters is that we have reached to school now without any trouble. Let's see what today has in store for us.

He says as he walked to Class 1-A as the bell begun to rang which signaled that everyone should be in their class. Luckily he was on time and he made his way to his desk and sat down and coincidentally, Aizawa also arrived making his way to the front of the class ad began speaking almost immediately.

Shota: Good work on yesterday's combat training. I saw the video and the results. Bakugo, you're talented so don't act like a kid.

He says turning towards the blonde who scoffed and looked at the side.

Katsuki: I know.

Ishtar: I highly doubt that will be the last time we'll see him behaving like that.

Aizawa then looked towards Midoriya who slightly flinched after he noticed that he was being looked at

Shota: And Midoriya. You settled it by breaking your arm again, huh? You can't keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your quirk. I don't like saying the same thing over and over. As long you fix the control issue, there's a lot you'll be able to do. Feel a sense of urgency, Midoriya

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