Chapter 14-Day Off

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Following the conclusion of the sports festival with Satsuki emerging as the winner, he was back at his house. His command seal was glowing brighter which he decided to find out what was going on when he got his room, he used the command seal only to  result of an appearance of another servant whose facial and body type was similar to that of Ishtar's  with the exception of the clothing which made him widen his eyes is shock.

???:  Mistress of the Underworld, Ereshkigal is here in all of her splendor. It is against my will to lend power to one individual but I will give you a hand anyway as you have called me. Be grateful!

Following the servant's introduction, Satsuki who didn't even bother asking was still surprised by her physical appearance which lead to a dead silence in the room for a minute. Eventually the servant in front couldn't take the long dead silence as she blushed furiously probably in embarassment.

Ereshkigal:  Wh-Why are you staring  silently at me like that? I-I'm a fine goddess!

Satsuki: No,  I am surprised by your appearance. It's just reminds me of-

Before he could finish Ishtar then manifested herself besides Satsuki who also in complete surprise too.


Satsuki: - her...

Ereshkigal then turned her head towards Ishtar and her usual look faded giving a look of annoyance.

Ereshkigal: I should be asking you the same thing.

Ishtar: It's plain obvious. I am Satsuki's servant!

Ereshkigal: I find that hard to believe that a prideful goddess like you would even bother helping him.

Satsuki: Ishtar is right. She's been my servant for almost a year now.

Ishtar then displays a proud look grinning to herself in response while folding her arms.

Ishtar: You heard him. Now what are you doing here?

Ereshkigal: I believe I already did mention that earlier. I came here to help my master out of my own volition following his summon

Satsuki: Alright. That's enough, both of you. 

He says as he closes his eyes and folding his arms as silence was brought to the room again.

Satsuki: Clearly you two have a history that I don't know about. But first thing's first. You will learn how to get along with each other, or don't make me use the command seal to make you do that.

The two goddesses stay silent after those words.

Satsuki: Second. Ereshkigal, you will address only by my name. There is no need to call me master. It's sounds too formal for me.

Ishtar: I thought that was exclusive to the both of us.

Satsuki: That's true but remember I don't view servants as tools, I view them as people. That's why I don't want them to be formal around me. Got that?

He says as he turned towards the yellow haired goddess who nods in approval.

Ereshkigal: I understand but I don't know your name yet.......

Satsuki: Oh right, I haven't introduced myself. I am Satsuki Shinomiya but call me Satsuki. It's easier that way than calling me by my full name.

He then approached her and then stretched out his hand for a shake.

Satsuki: And as far I am concerned we need to make a contract before we can move on.

Ereshkigal: Yes, that is also necessary.....

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