Chapter 9- Cavalry Battle!

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Following after the first game was finished, it was now time for the second round which was the cavalry battle. The points was based on who came first and since Satsuki came first in the previous round, his points were exactly 10 Million which made him a primary target for all the students that made it to the second round. However he wasn't too worried about this since him and his servant will be able to survive this round with no problem whatsoever. 

Midnight:Now I will explain the rules of the cavalry battle. The time limit is fifteen minutes. Each team is worth the total of its member's points, and riders will wear a headband with that number on their foreheads. Teams will try to grab each other's headbands until time runs out, and try to keep as many points as you can. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So the more you steal, the harder it will be to manage them! And the most important thing is that even if your headband gets stolen or if your team falls, you're not out!

Momo: Which means.....

Rikido:....since there are 42 people, there will be ten or twelve teams on the field the whole time?

Mina: One strategy could be let someone take your points first so you will be more free.

Tsuyu: It's hard to say without seeing how all the points end up getting split up Mina.

Midnight: During the game it will be a cruel fight where you can use your quirks. But it is still a cavalry battle. You'll get a red card for attacks that are trying to make people fall on purpose! You will be removed immediately!

Katsuki: Damn.

Midnight: Now you have fifteen minutes to build your teams. Start!

And just like that everyone began to organize their team members. Satsuki was talking to Ishtar about the strategy of the cavalry battle and of course the majority were avoiding him since he had the highest points out of everyone.

Satsuki: That sums about it. We are going to be both offense and defense at the same time.

Ishtar: And the better thing is that we have the advantage because through out we will be on the air where no one can actually even land a single hit on us.

Satsuki: Good observation you have there. But yeah, most students quirks are ground based.....well except for a few.

Ishtar: Yeah. That blonde brat with his explosions. But he won't pose a threat to any of us.

Satsuki: Yeah that's also true. That means we will need an extra member just in case things get out of hand, most likely someone who specializes in defense as well.

Ishtar: Are you actually doubting me as a servant?

Satsuki: No, no, no! What I mean is that the other person is meant to be a back up just in case if someone else specialises in air  combat launches a different attack.

Ishtar: Good point. I will believe with your strategy for now. That means I won't be able to use the Boat of Heaven.

Satsuki: Didn't you miss the entire point of cavalry battle? We have to ride on our team mates back.

Ishtar: Huh?! Don't tell me you were thinking of riding on my shoulders? You dirty pervert!

Satsuki: I'm not a pervert! Ugh whatever....let's just find another team-mate before time is up.

???: Shinomiya.

He was lured out of his thoughts to see Yaoyorozu approaching them which was a surprise.

Ishtar: Is that girl from the training test....

Satsuki: Ah Yaoyorozu! You are here to team up with me right?

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