Chapter 15- Wildcard

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Following the two day break including also the weekend after the sports festival, the schools were reopened again. After another meeting again with the teacher and the Principal regarding the issue of him using Magic Circuits using the sports festival, Satsuki was at the classroom looking towards the grey sky  with everyone who was busy talking about the sports festival.

Satsuki: Now that's one fine way of starting the day. Being investigated by the teachers just because of another technique which was irrelevant to my 'quirk'.

Ishtar: Did that homeless freak say the point was for everyone including you to give it their all to get noticed? What a bunch of hypocrites and now they want to learn more about your power after seeing you use a magic circuit!

Satsuki: Yeah. I'm okay with the principal but now All Might is now starting to get concerned about my power. And to be fair, I am also concerned about the secret between him and Midoriya that they are trying to hide.

Ishtar: Especially the part in the awards ceremony that he ended up whispering to him after giving him the medal has me raise suspicions about him even further.

Satsuki: Yeah, I also noticed that too......Anyway, what do you think of the school so far, Ereshkigal?

Ereshkigal: it's amazing! I've never seen anything like this before! It's hard to believe that this is where you study to become a hero!

Satsuki: is one of the famous hero schools in Japan to be honest. At least the building gave a good impression on you....but of course here  to become a hero isn't an easy task.

Ereshkigal: That same logic is also for goddesses too. It's not an easy task, however as I said I will do whatever I can to help you become a hero.

Ishtar: You have said that twice now.

Ereshkigal: Why do you think I mentioned 'as I said'?

Satsuki: Alright I don't want any squabbles from the both of you and thanks for your support Ereshkigal. I will need it. That goes for you too Ishtar, keep up the good work.

Ereshkigal: Got it!

Ishtar: Where is this suddenly....coming all over sudden?

Satsuki: Just to make you feel jealous from being left out.

Ishtar: For your information, I was not feeling jealous or anything! But thanks for the praise anyways....

Satsuki: Yeah sure. Anyway looks like homeroom is about to start.

Suddenly the door opened revealing Aizawa who walked in to the class and then stood at the desk.

Shota: Morning.

Everyone : Good Morning!

Ereshkigal: Who is that?

Satsuki: Our homeroom teacher.

Shota: Today you will be having a special hero informatics class today.

Ishtar: Informatics class? What the hell is that?

Ereshkigal: I'm also curious about that actually.

Satsuki: To be honest, it's probably something related to hero stuff. But I wonder what he is going to teach.

Shota: Code names. You will be coming up with hero names.

Satsuki: Huh?

Everyone : We're gonna do something exciting!

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