Chapter 12- Friendly Match

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With the first  match of the second round over, Todoroki had to be taken to the infirmary to be patched up while Satsuki who barely had any bruises headed back to the stands to watch the next series of matches to see who he will be fighting next in the semi-finals. The moment he got there, he was greeted by his classmates.

Izuku: Ah you're back Shinomiya!

Satsuki: Hey guys. Wait why are you still here? Should you be fighting that student from Class 1-B?

Ochaco: Well they had to put the match on hold since you and Todoroki did a lot of damage to it so he has to wait.

He then observes the stage as he sees that it's being fixed following the fight earlier.

Satsuki: Oh yeah. Guess I overdid it with that blast at the end there.

Denki: But seriously that match was really something! You showed him no mercy out there!

Hanta: From tearing through his ice to even punching him in the face several times!  Could you have just used your servant to throw him out of bounds like you did in the first round?

Satsuki: I would have done that obviously. But I had my own reasons for changing my fighting strategy.

Momo: Does that have to do with him finally using his left side even although he lost?

Satsuki: Something like that yes.

Izuku: So you noticed it too, huh? 

Satsuki: Yeah. Ever since the first match where he froze Sero, I could tell something was wrong and the fact my meeting with Endeavor before the match proved that fact.

Izuku: Wait?! You met Endeavor before the match?!

Satsuki: That is what I just said. Anyway, I won't go into details. The fact is that he has now started using his left side and has woken up from his delusional dream. If he wants to be a hero, he needs to give it his all.

Izuku: I think delusional might be a bit too much here.....

Present Mic: Alright looks like the stage is almost done folks! In time we will see the second match of the second round!

Tenya: Looks like it's time.

Satsuki: Looks like you should be going now Midoriya. 

Izuku: Oh right! I better get going then.

Ochaco: Good luck Deku!

The green haired teen then nods and then runs off from the stands towards the waiting room while Sastuki looks back at the half-fixed stadium.

Ishtar: You do realize that you are going to fight him in the third round don't you?

Satsuki: Yeah I am aware. After seeing him learning about his opponent's quirk, he is likely going to do the same tactic he did in the first round if he needs to advance. 

Ishtar:  Either that or he breaks his bones but I'm not concerned about it. By the way, the ape has been staring at you ever since you got back here.

He then looks at Bakugo who has been giving him a long glare before looking back at the stage again.

Satsuki: Let him continue staring. To be honest, I am not that concerned. 

Ishtar: Is that a sense of overconfidence I am hearing?

Satsuki: Overconfidence is putting it more likely though.


The second match of the second round went off without a hitch as both the two green haired teens, Midoriya and Shiozaki arrived in the ring. The girl then threw her vines towards her opponent who began running to avoid it and gaining some distance. Midoriya then began running around his opponent after realizing he could use the vines to unknowingly tie herself up and win which is exactly what she did. However by the time she noticed this, it was way too late, the green haired teen then picked the remaining loose ends of the vines and tied her up making her immobile which meant he won the match  and advanced to the semi-finals without resorting to his quirk.

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