Location of Lost Island

Start from the beginning

"Nope! I was asleep!" Luffy replied bluntly, completely unashamed.

"I was with Apis." Yukiko said a little embarrassed. After all she'd skipped out of the nice old man's story quite early into it.

"He said that the people of Warship Island came from a distant land and they used that land to worship the Millennial Dragons." Nami clarified.

Usopp muttered. "That would lower the chance of the dragons nest being on this island."

"But...!" Apis exclaimed. "If so, then where's the real one?!"

"Wouldn't it be that island with the dragon on it?" Zoro asked, pointing up at the mural on the ceiling.

Everyone looked up. "That's right!" Yukiko said.

"Look at the island ahead of where this islands people are praying. That's the real Lost Island. The real dragons nest." Yukiko told them she smiled. "Doesn't it look familiar?"

"No way!" Apis gasped. "That island is shaped like...!"

"Yeah." Nami sighed. "Assuming the map is correct......... the nest is on Warship Island."

"But Warship Island doesn't seem like the place dragons would go to nest?" Usopp said frowning.

"But that's what the map says!" Nami exclaimed. "Or are you saying the people long ago just drew random nonsense?!"

"That's right you lot!" Sanji shouted at the men. "Nami-san never say anything that's wrong, same goes for Yuki-chan! This means that it's somewhere on that Island!"

"That may be so. But it could have also sunk to the bottom on the ocean... just like this one is doing." Usopp stated.

"Yeah, I thought the same." Said Nami.

"It would explain why no one's ever found it yet." Zoro added

Apis suddenly ran over to the aging dragon. "Apis?" Usopp called. She ignored him.

"Grandpa Ryu! Think back, Grandpa Ryu! Where is the dragons nest?!" Apis begged. "We thought it was this place, but there's nothing here! There's only a painting, Grandpa Ryu!"

Apis continued. "Doesn't the painting bring back any memories?! Our only hope now is that you remember something, Grandpa Ryu!"

The dragon lifted it's head a little and looked up. Just then, as if trying to help the dragon a flock of the same green birds that looked like miniature versions of the Millennial Dragons flew in through an arched window. They glided across the roof passing over the mural on the ceiling as if they were the dragons from long ago making the journey back to the dragons nest.

That's where they needed to sail, it was as if the final piece of the one thousand year old puzzle had been clicked into place.

"Grandpa Ryu?!" Apis gasped. She glanced at Luffy and caught his eye they both nodded and Yukiko smiled.

"~The dragons nest is on Warship island."

"~Alright!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Well done Grandpa Ryu!" Yukiko smiled.

"Wait, if I'm right. The reason why The nest hasn't been found, Warship Island may be bigger then we think. It may be a unique Tidal island!" Yukiko realized. "If the people that lived here knew the Nest would reemerge soon, they left this island to protect it!"

Nami realized it too. "That could be it! The Dragons Nest had been underwater for a thousand years but it will resurface soon! We gotta hurry!"

"So, let's go! Grandpa Ryu won't get any better if we just stay here!" Luffy yelled raising his arms above his head. "Right?!"

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