Chapter 91

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It was a Monday and Thea was excited to spend Valentine's Day with Killian. Their first Valentine's together and she was looking forward to it. She'd run into him earlier in their department and had yet again reminded him to meet her at Wright Park at the time she'd fixed. Of course, Killian hadn't asked where exactly in Wright Park because they had frequented there and had their special spot.

Killian, knowing Thea's tendency to have things planned out, decided to head there earlier than he figured she would. So, right after classes, he headed to his dorm noting that he still had an hour before the time she'd set for them to meet up. He gathered everything in his room he'd prepared to-go and headed to his car. Since he had quite a few stops to make along the way, he decided to take his car rather than make the walk carrying everything.

His stops were quick as he'd already called ahead to place his order. All he had to do was stop and pick them up. The last thing he got was flowers before he headed to Wright Park. Getting there, he made quick work of everything as he probably had around twenty to thirty minutes before Thea would arrive to set up. He laid the large picnic blanket over the tarp he'd gotten and placed the throw pillows around. He'd made sure to charge the speaker fully so that it would last for hours. He cued their playlist and was setting up the food and snacks he'd gotten when he heard a gasp behind him.

Killian turned to find Thea standing a few feet away from him with shock clearly written on her face. He hit play on their playlist, grabbed the flowers, and headed towards her.

"Hey." He stopped in front of her.

Thea still had her mouth open wide completely stupefied at what she was seeing. Her gaze shifted from the set-up to the young man standing in front of her and she knew she was utterly in love with him. How could she not?

"You." That was all she was able to say,

Killian smiled at her lack of words,
"I what?"

"You are..." She placed her own basket and blanket at her feet as the shock had started to wear off, "the best." She placed one hand on his face and the other behind his neck and pulled him down to her, "Boyfriend." She whispered before she kissed him.

Killian wasted no time holding on to her waist as he let her take control of the kiss. He could do this all day, every day.

When they pulled away, they were both breathless. Killian looked at her with a smile as he licked his lips. The red stains on her cheeks told him that she was suddenly shy and he found it amusing how she could go from completely in control of his feelings to feeling shy.

Thea looked past his shoulder at the set-up and couldn't contain the feelings that welled up inside her. His fingers rested on her chin and he tilted her face back so that she was looking at him.

He frowned when she saw the tears in her eyes,
"Are you ok?"

"I'm perfect." Thea chuckled tearily, "But this was supposed to be my surprise. Not yours."

He smiled,
"It's both of ours."

Could this be any more perfect?
They both thought as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"C'mon." Killian picked up the basket and blanket before he took hold of her hand and led her toward the set-up.

"Oh, my goodness." She looked at him after she saw some of the snacks he got.

Killian helped her get situated before he joined her. He smiled as he watched her take everything in.

Thea looked at him,
"Killian, this is incredible."

"I'm glad you approve." He scooted closer as he was seated behind her,

"Well, while you got me all my favourite things, I got yours as well." She reached for her basket and took out all the items in it.

"What's that?"

She held it out to him,
"A mini canvas." She said excitedly, "I also got some sketching and painting supplies."

Killian looked from the canvas up to meet her gaze and he watched as her smile disappeared.

"You don't like it." She stated, "Wow, I'm the worst girlfriend ever."

"Hey," Killian said quickly to stop her from spiralling, "I love it. I'm just not sure what I'll do with it...yet."

She looked at him quietly for a moment,
"So basically, I got you a useless gift." She nodded,

"You never know you need something until you actually have it." He gazed into her eyes, the double meaning clear between them,

Her smile was small but it was there.
"I'm horrible at giving gifts."

"You call this horrible?"

She nodded.

"Well, I love it. But, if you doubt it," He reached for something and handed it to her, "We can be horrible together."

She took the gift that was wrapped in brown paper and peeled it away. It was a book, but she frowned when she read the title. She looked up at him.

"What am I going to do with The Discovery of Radium?"

"Check the author."

Thea did as she was told and burst out laughing.
"Marie Sklodowska Curie."

Killian smiled and shrugged,
"I thought it was fitting."

"I love it."

"As I love mine."

She grinned, staring into his eyes.

"So, how long do I have you for?" He asked,

"Oh, crap." Her smile fell as she searched around for her phone, "I was supposed to message Makenna to tell her that I can't make it for training today."

"Does that mean I have you for the rest of the day?"

Thea found her phone and smiled at him,
"You do."

"Ah, today couldn't be any more perfect."

Thea shook her head,
"At all."

She quickly opened up Makenna's chat on her phone and sent her a quick message, apologizing for having to cancel.

"And that's done." She put her phone away, "Now you have my undivided attention."

"I feel privileged."

"I was talking to the food."

Killian smiled and shook his head. With Thea, he'd slowly realized that he couldn't compete for her attention when food was involved. He also didn't mind watching her get so passionate about it. He loved her expressive features and the cute sounds she made. There was nothing she could do that would make him love her less.

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