Chapter 75

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Makenna made it through the crowd inside and found her escape through the side door. Most of the people had gone inside when the commotion started. She breathed in the cool night air as she walked towards the end of the property. The adrenaline was slowly dwindling leaving her in full body tremors. She was glad there was no one around to see her like this.

Angry and broken.

That fucking bastard!
She thought as his face flashed in her mind. She hated him with a passion. Who did he think he was?

In through her nose. Out through her mouth. Her breath was quick and she closed her eyes trying to focus on anything other than the memories that threatened to break through her defence.

"Please, no." Rachel's cry of plea fell on deaf ears, "No. Please, stop."

Makenna's body shook with weakening tremors as her eyes filled with tears behind her closed lids. She could hear the innocence being stripped away from her. Somewhere in the dark parts of her mind, brutal images flashed. She snapped her eyes open and stumbled backwards looking down at her trembling hands.

She slammed into something and quickly spun around, eyes wide with a look of horror on her face that morphed into recognition.

Atlas was left stunned to speechlessness. The look he'd just seen on her face was not something he'd expected to see. But fuck it if it didn't gut him. He watched as her shoulder rose and fell as if she'd run five miles non-stop. She stepped backwards slowly.

"Hey, it's only me." He put his hands up,

She stopped retreating and the light from nearby caught in her eyes reflecting the sheen of unshed tears.

What in the world happened to her?
Atlas clenched his jaw.

"You're ok." Atlas took a small step close,

"Don't." Makenna's lifted her hand to stop him from coming any closer, avoiding his gaze.

He noticed how badly her hand was trembling. As she lowered her hand, he saw her knuckles were starting to bruise.
"Mac, I need you to look at me."

Makenna was completely disoriented and light on her feet. It felt like everything was closing in on her and she couldn't quite get her breathing under control. She lacked control and she hated the feeling. She hated the position it put her in. But she couldn't do anything about it except let it play out.

"Makenna." Atlas took another step closer, "Look at me." He demanded, needing her to look at him so he could talk her through what looked like a panic attack.


Makenna snapped her gaze and glared at him. It took barely a second and happened in a flash as she lifted her hand and slapped him hard. Atlas would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised. But it was Makenna after all.

But dammit, she hit hard.
He clenched his jaw and turned to look at her.

She had warned him not to call her that and yet again, it had slipped out so easily. He was pleased to see that she looked slightly out of it.

"I warned you."

He couldn't help but smile as he gazed into her eyes.
"It was worth it."

"What?" Makenna frowned as he took another step closer, "What are you doing?"

"C'mon. I won't bite." Atlas wrapped his hands around her and pulled her into him but she resisted,

"I will." Makenna weakly tried to push away from him,

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