Chapter 43

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Makenna was feeling much better than she had felt in a while and she knew it was because of the time she'd spent at the gym the previous day. She obviously would have preferred to remain inside the ring fighting but she'd had to take a break in between fights to do some exercise that would reduce her soreness the next day and she was glad she had. She didn't feel quite as sore as she feared she would be.

Makenna made her way to the back of the class and took her seat. Just as she reached into her bag for her book and pen, Vanessa slid into her row and took the second seat away from her, leaving the one between them empty.

"Hey." Vanessa said, "Are you ok?"

"Yea. Are you?" Makenna redirected her question back at her,

Vanessa frowned,
"Of course. I was wondering because of the way you left yesterday."

"I had to get to the gym." Makenna said truthfully,

Yes, she had to get to the gym but Vanessa didn't need to know that she had only decided to go to the gym because of the spot Vanessa had put her in the day before at the library.

"Oh." Vanessa looked convinced, "Finally decided to get back to it then."

"Yea, I didn't want to wait longer than I already had."

"I don't know how you can remain dedicated to it." Vanessa said, "I would go for a day and give up."

"Working out is definitely not for me but I guess I get my workout from the self-defence class."

"I think it's cool that you know self-defence." Pause, "There's just a lot going on in the world, you don't know when that would come in handy."

Makenna studied her for a second and said something she regretted the second it left her mouth,
"Why don't you join and see if you like it?"

Vanessa looked at her with a frown,
"I don't think it's for me. I can barely do five jumping jacks without running out of breath."

"You can't know if it is or isn't for you without trying."

Vanessa shifted her gaze from Makenna as if thinking about it,
"I'll think about it."

Makenna liked that answer. No commitment. She was glad Vanessa was considering it because it was something Makenna thought every female should be taught. But she was also glad she didn't have to involve Vanessa any deeper in her life.

The girl already knows more than she thinks she knows.
Makenna thought.

After their classes for the day, Makenna and Vanessa headed their separate ways. Makenna was on her way to Metro coffee when Brandon caught her and they walked together.

"It was nice to have you back at the gym."

"Yea, it felt nice for me too." Makenna said, "Good to get back at it, you know."

"Oh, yea. Of course." Brandon said quickly, "And good for me that I got to finally take you out...I mean, down."

"Just you wait and I'll be the one taking you down." Makenna smiled as they arrived at Metro coffee.

Brandon reached to get the door even though she was closer to it.

"I've got it." Makenna said as she grabbed the handle and pushed it inwards,

"There they are." Brandon gestured to their table and the rest of the group were seated there talking really loudly which almost made her wince,

Brandon and Makenna headed to the table and Brandon took a seat while Makenna placed her bag on an empty one.

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