Chapter 47

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"Uh," Vanessa broke the short silence between them, "Hi."

Atlas reluctantly pulled his gaze from Makenna's emerald-green eyes and looked at Vanessa,

"I'm Vanessa," Vanessa reached out a hand, "We met once, before."

"Of course, I remember," Atlas took her hand for a brief shake, "Atlas,"

They both dropped their hands as Makenna stood awkwardly between them.

"That's an interesting name,"

Makenna snorted with a sarcastic smile.
"I'll say." She muttered to herself,

Atlas and Vanessa both looked at her and Makenna looked up to find them looking at her.

"Oh, well, I'll let you two get acquainted, bye." She said like she had partaken in it,

Makenna turned around ready to make her escape from both of them as she wondered why she used words like 'acquainted' and 'weasel' when he was around. She could have simply said 'get to know each other' which was something she was likely to use daily, unlike weasel, and acquainted that were unused words in her vocabulary.

"Wait," Atlas stopped her, "I'd like to have a word with you."

Makenna sighed inwardly.

There I go again,
She thought as she slowly turned around to look at him.

Vanessa looked back and forth at the both of them,
"I've got to go," She focused on Atlas, "It was nice meeting you."


"See you Monday," Vanessa said to Makenna before she was off leaving her by her lonesome with Atlas.

Makenna's gaze was fixed on his face as he watched Vanessa go and he shifted his gaze to meet hers. She wanted to be anywhere but near him.

"What do you want?" Makenna asked when he remained quiet as he studied her,

"I want to apologize for the other day," He said, "I really am sorry, it was truly an accident."

Makenna wanted this conversation to end, so she said what she knew he wanted to hear,
"Yea sure, apology accepted."

She turned around and walked away leaving Atlas standing there frowning and confused.

"What?" Atlas went after her and walked by her side looking at her, "That's it?"

Makenna did everything she could to keep from huffing as he walked next to her. She could feel his eyes on her face,
"What do you want now?"

"I apologized,"

"And I accepted it."

"So, you forgive me?"

"No, I accepted it."

"What's the point of accepting someone's apology if you don't forgive them?"

"You apologized for something I've forgotten about. Besides, you don't owe me an apology and I don't owe you forgiveness."

"Then why did you accept it?"

"I figured it's what you want and if I gave it to you, you'd go away." She glanced at him, "If you'd done just that, you'd have saved us both from having this conversation."

Atlas blinked a couple of times as he studied her,
"You really don't like me."

Makenna stopped walking and sighed before she turned to face him. Atlas stopped and stood facing her.

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