Chapter 79

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Atlas arrived at the gym and tentatively headed inside. He was glad to see there were a few people at the front desk which made it easier for him to head inside without questions. He walked past the stairs and headed towards a wide, open space. On his right was a fully equipped gym, and on his left, a fighting ring was situated in the centre.

There were a few people in the gym, most of them in the workout section and only two in the boxing section. He caught sight of Makenna beyond the ring at a section that had padded flooring. She was too invested in the standing punching bag and he couldn't help but notice how different she looked.

He was so used to seeing her in loosely fitted clothes that the fitted black t-shirt and yoga pants were a surprising change. Her ponytail swung behind her as she punched the bag standing, unmoving, in front of her.

"Can I help you?"

Atlas shifted his gaze from Makenna to find an older-looking man.

The man stared, waiting for him to give a better answer.

"I'm here for someone."

The man narrowed his eyes at him slightly before glancing in Makenna's direction,
"You're here for Ken-doll?"

Atlas smiled at the nickname,
"If you mean Makenna, then yea."

Atlas caught a glimpse of humour on his face.

"Good luck." He warned before he walked away,

Atlas looked at Makenna to find her focused and determined. Almost like she was trying to hurt something or someone.

He walked towards her with careful, confident steps even though he grew unsure as he got closer. He could just turn around and leave as if he'd never been there but he couldn't bring himself to do that.

Makenna punched at the bag and clenched her jaw at the pain that seared her knuckles. She was glad that she'd iced it last night after what went down, or else it could've been worse. But having been at it for a while, the pain was building. Yet it wasn't enough to help her forget the memories of the nightmare.

The more those memories popped into her head, the harder she punched. And as the pain grew, she was able to replace it with memories.

She would rather be in paralysing pain than relive the numbing memories.

Makenna snapped out of her reverie when she heard someone clear their throat. She turned to find Atlas standing there with a brown bag in one hand and a disposable coffee cup in the other.

Makenna frowned,
What the fuck is he doing here?

They stared at each other, both waiting for the other to speak. Atlas noticed the question on her face.

"Your roommate said you were here." Atlas broke the silence,

"And why were you there?"

"That's pretty obvious seeing as I'm standing here."

Makenna kept her gaze on him for a moment before she went back to punching.

Atlas held back from sighing,
"Mac, can we talk?"

"We're talking right now."

Jab. Jab, Jab.

"It's about last night."

Makenna froze for a second before but it was long enough for Atlas to notice.

"I need your help." Atlas tried a different approach, and he had her full attention as soon as the words were out of his mouth.

"You're kidding yourself if you think I can help anyone."

"Just hear me out." Atlas lifted the bag, "I got you something."

Makenna studied him thinking it couldn't hurt to hear him out. As long as he didn't bring up what happened later last night after she'd beaten up that pervert.

She glanced at the cup,
"What's in the cup?"

"A vanilla latte." Atlas smiled, "For a friend."

He knew her drink.
Makenna actually almost smiled,

"Another smile?"

Makenna corrected her expression as she began to untie the hand wrap.
"Only this time, you're the joke."

"I'll be a clown if I get to see you smile for a few seconds."

Atlas regretted it the second it was out of his mouth. He had no idea where it had come from. And from the look on Makenna's face, she was just as surprised as he was.

"The things we do for friends." He added to ease the tension that was building between them.

Makenna approached him as she finished untying both hand wraps. She stopped a couple of feet away from him and couldn't help but pick up on his scent. The one that had calmed her down last night.

"I'll meet you out front," She reached for the cup, "And I'll be taking this."

Makenna walked away from him, heading to the back to freshen up and change her clothes. Atlas turned to watch her leave before he headed back the way he came waiting out front for her.

Atlas leaned backwards against the wall, waiting for her. He pushed away every time someone came out but he went back to leaning against the wall when he saw it wasn't her. It was not too long later that she came out in her usual baggy clothing.

He smiled to himself and an image from last night came to mind. He'd held her in his arms yet again. The only exception was that he had fully been aware of her last night as much as he hadn't wanted to be.

Makenna stepped out of the gym and spotted Atlas leaning against the wall waiting for her. He looked lost in thoughts.

"Are you alright?"

Atlas turned to look at her, pushing away from the wall. He hadn't heard her come.

Makenna raised a brow,
"It was rhetorical."

"Of course," He took a few steps to get closer to her and stretched out the hand with the brown bag. "Here."

Makenna looked at him for a short moment before glancing at the bag and then back at him.

"You need the carbs after all that." He nodded towards the gym,

She was hesitant but she took the bag,
"Thanks." She muttered,

Atlas smiled to himself, having the urge to pump his fist in the air.

Atlas for the win.
He thought. It was small but it was still a win, especially where Makenna was concerned.

Makenna turned and headed down the sidewalk in the direction of her dorm. Atlas fell into step beside her and they walked in silence.

 Atlas fell into step beside her and they walked in silence

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Did anyone see the reel I posted yesterday? 🫣

If you did, then you probably got a sneak peek of the update schedule for Broken and saw how many chapters we have left before the Epilogue. Also, I added some of your comments in the reel. If you missed it, here's a direct link --->

I hope your week is going great. Again, I really appreciate you for the love and support I've been getting on Broken. Thank you.

Lots of Love,
Jane. 🤎

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