Chapter 10

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"Definitely not." Makenna said without hesitation, "We don't want you with someone who could have your ass handed to you."

"I can see your point." Brandon said, "But, I did get to start training with your trainer."

Makenna's trainer started teaching her self-defence when she signed up with him and after her year, she stopped going consistently. Brandon had joined when she ended hers which was the start of their third year and she could clearly see the difference six months had made. He was starting to change physically because he added some intense workouts to his own training.

"How's that going?"

"I'm actually having fun."

"We should get into the ring sometime."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"For you or for me?"

Brandon laughed and left her question unanswered when Collin snuck up behind him and put his arm around Brandon's neck.

"Whatchu' both doing here?" Collin asked and fell into the space between both of them making Makenna shift in a way that they wouldn't notice.

"Talking, hanging out." Brandon answered,

"We're at a party." Collin said,

"Exactly." Brandon said, "That's what you're supposed to do at a party."

"What about less talking and more having fun?" Collin said, "Where's your drink?"


"Hey, guys." Hee and Lexi joined them,

"Hi, Lexi." Collin smiled at her,

He and Brandon had come separately, so it was the first time Collin was seeing Lexi.

"Hey." She returned the smile and looked at Brandon, "I got you a drink."

Brandon looked at Collin and took the drink from Lexi,
"There's my drink."

"Thanks." Hee said when Kent joined them and handed her a drink.

"This place is sick." Kent said,

"Have you seen the upstairs?" Lexi asked, "It's sicker."

A while later, they were all having fun, some of them dancing and others on the side talking, probably flirting, namely Collin. Makenna was part of those who were dancing which included her, Lexi, Hee and Kent, in a pair of twos.

"I need to use the bathroom." Lexi said over the music,

"Fuck yea, me too." Makenna replied then turned to Hee and Kent and gestured to them that she and Lexi were heading upstairs.

At the top of the stairs, Lexi and Makenna walked down the large hallway and Makenna just followed because Lexi obviously knew the place more than she did.

"Here, you go in." Lexi stopped in front of a door,

"What about you?"

"Oh, I'll go use the one in the room down there," She pointed to another door down the hall.

"Alright." Makenna turned the knob, just as Lexi headed down the hall, and entered the small space locking the door after her.

She washed her hands and got out of the room and flinched when she felt a pair of hands on her waist, she was quick to turn around and find the douchebag that had approached her earlier.

"Get your fucking hands off me!"

He smiled down at her as his hands slipped further around her waist,
"C'mon, you don't have to be so aggressive, I know you're just playing hard to get."

"No asshole, I'm not the slightest bit interested. Now take your filthy hands off of me!"

"You don't really want me to do that and we both know it."

"Take." She lifted her leg in a knee-jerk motion and kicked him between the legs, "A fucking." She lifted one hand which had been both on his shoulders and slammed her elbow on his back, "Hint." She swung her fist making contact to the side of his face which sent him stumbling to the side still clutching his junk.

"Anything other than a yes is a no." Makenna said,


Makenna looked behind her to find Lexi looking at the idiot before shifting her gaze to her,
"Are you ok?"

"I'm great." Makenna said, "Just this..."

"I saw."

Makenna turned to look at him as Lexi approached her,
"Take notes for next time and stop being such a pervert. It's not good for the environment."

"Yea," Lexi pitched in, "Kind of like plastic. You need to recycle your thoughts, maybe even yourself."

"Asshole." "Jerk." Makenna and Lexi said as they walked away and headed for the stairs,

"Are you sure you're okay?" Lexi glanced at her as they walked down the stairs,

"Yea, I'm totally fine."

That was not exactly a lie, she was fine but for a moment back there, she had felt a second of helplessness and something that was very similar to fear, probably was fear. But she let herself stop thinking too much and just let her body defend itself. If she had waited a second longer than she did before she acted, the douchebag would've kissed her and she would have been unable to let herself act and she'd be drowned in the darkness that was her own brokenness.

"Just don't mention this to the rest."

"Of course." Lexi nodded,

Although she had defended herself, she didn't want anyone else to look at her the same way Lexi was. Pity with a dash of concern. Concern, she could take. She'd gotten a lot of that from her family over the years and had learnt to deal with it and finally accepted that it came from a place of love or whatever.

But pity?

She would pass on that.

"I haven't seen you get into a fight in a while. I almost forgot you could take care of yourself."

Makenna let out an inaudible sigh of relief when she saw the admiration in Lexi's eyes instead of the pity and she was glad that it had disappeared quicker than she thought it would take.

"I guess that calls for a party."

"It sure does." Lexi said in a sing-song manner, "And another drink."

Lexi was headed towards the kitchen before Makenna could head towards the space most of the dancing bodies took up.

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