Chapter 88

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Killian had his hands clasped as he carefully assessed the pieces left on the chessboard. He planned on making Martin work twice as hard as the last time but it seemed like, yet again, Martin was having the upper hand.

"There. There." Martin goaded him, "Let's put that brain of yours to good use."

Killian laughed,
"No need to stroke my ego."

"Hey, I'm just saying it how it is." Martin warned,

Killian glanced up at him,
"Only you."

"That pretty lass of yours is making you soft."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Well, the least you can do is make me work for it." Martin said, "You're not even trying."

"Hey!" Killian sat up, "I'm doing overtime here."

Martin looked at him,
"Are you?"

Killian wasn't surprised at Martin's snarky comebacks. He'd gotten used to them and he knew Martin was a softie, he just liked to torment him.

"I might as well stop playing now."

"We both know this ends one way," Martin said, "I understand if you can't bear to lose again."

"You would like that, old man."

Martin smiled,
'C'mon, let's wrap this up and get ready for bingo night."

Killian moved his bishop to protect his queen. Martin wasted no time moving his rook out of danger from the bishop almost like he had anticipated Killian's move.

"How's your lass?"

"She's doing alright considering."

"Something happened?"

Killian's jaw ticked and he let out a soft sigh,
"Yea. But she's stronger than I ever gave her credit for."

"Women." Martin said, "They may seem small but they sure are mighty."

"Can't argue with that."

"I'm surprised she hasn't dumped you yet."

Killian laughed aloud,
"Even I know I'm not that bad."

"You're always here, when do you ever have time to spend with her?"

"When I'm not here." Killian said, "She does have her own engagements, now even more than before."

"What? She joined the church choir?"

"She's taking up self-defence training with my sister."

"Ah, that's good." Martin said, "Bonding time with the sister you never talk about."

Killian looked at Martin,
"I talk about her,"

"Once in the time I've known you, and that too, I got the impression you didn't want to."

Killian frowned,
"It's not something I like to talk about."

"You don't say."

He had Killian there,
"I just don't know how to talk about her without feeling regret and powerless."

"I get the impression you went through something."

"She did." Killian said,

"And it affected you."

"It affected my family." Killian said, "And one other."

"And you've spoken to her about this?"

"No," Killian moved another piece, "We don't talk about it. She doesn't like to acknowledge anything from that time. Including me."

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