seven: not a big deal

Start from the beginning

"I, uh, you know," Elle reached forward and opened the random book she had grabbed to put on top of her letter, scanning over the page she had flipped quickly, "am catching up on the Romans. Julius Caesar is quite interesting."

Smiling awkwardly at the boy leaning up against her entrance, she tapped the book twice to prove further that she had been reading it the whole time and was indeed not writing a letter to her parents, that she did not know and who abandoned her. That was embarrassing; Elle didn't want anyone to know she did it. She scolded herself for being so careless in forgetting to close her bedroom door.

"Hm, I'm sure he is." Jefferson nodded unconvinced, crossing his arms while his eyes narrowed, waiting to see if Elle was going to comment further, but when she didn't, he continued, not wanting to pry on whatever Elle had been doing. "Come on. Rip says we're flying to Leipzig."

"Leipzig?" Elle repeated. "As in the city in—"

"Germany," Gideon chimed in.

"Yup," Jax confirmed as Elle stood from her chair, closing her book about Julius Caesar.

She and Jefferson began walking down the hallway only after Elle made sure her room doors shut, and when she saw that they did, she turned her head back, wondering, "Are we time jumping?"

"We are not," informed Gideon. "Ms. Saunders' body wouldn't be able to handle the jump."

"Is she any better?" Jax asked.

"I'm afraid not. But she is still stable."

"Well, that's good, at least," Elle stated optimistically, and the two continued walking, only managing to gain ten feet of ground until the younger remembered she had forgotten something in her room; she halted, turning to Jefferson. "Wait for me. I forgot something."

Not waiting for a response, Elle darted back to her room, the doors opening with a hiss as she approached them. She walked through and scoured her room, eyes landing on a random shelf against the far left wall, holding the revolver Rip gave her. When the weapon was in her hand, she ensured she grabbed the handle with her fingers and palm, walking the short distance between her room and where Jefferson was. Elle raised her hand, grasping the gun, waving it carelessly. (The Anders girl didn't process that it was a careless movement; she just didn't know any better because she has really never owned a gun.)

"Forgot this," she informed as she and Jefferson proceeded to walk when Elle caught up to him.

"That's the revolver Rip gave you, right?" Jax questioned.

With a straight face, Elle said, "No, it's the one I brought from home." Jefferson gave her an unsatisfied look, and that's when she chuckled. "Yes, it is. I figured he'd want it back."

"Too bad you can't keep it," Jefferson said with a shake of his head.

"Yeah, kinda sucks," Elle responded, knowing that the gun in her hand was the only way she would ever have a chance in a fight.

The two made it to the bridge, entering through their left-hand side doors, seeing everyone idling about the room, all looking tired and bored. It was almost a given feeling, considering the team couldn't do anything, not while Kendra was down at least — the atmosphere called for a sour mood. And that was only showcased more when Elle and Jax were walking past the parlor, and Rip happened to leave the room at the same time. The British man stopped and looked at the two younger people, a sigh of exasperation departing his mouth.

Solar ; 𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘰𝘸Where stories live. Discover now