
That wasn't what he was expecting, but I stand by my choices. Past and present. I've set towns ablaze before when we were running from Mikael. I was hoping to stop him or slow him down, but it never did much good. Then there was the time I destroyed an entire town because they burned a family of witches. Three little girls and their mother, their father had turned them in after seeing the youngest perform an innocent levitation spell. I screamed in horror at the sight, trying desperately to save them. I was too late. The little girls were twelve, eight, and six. Their mother's dying wish was for me to avenge her girls. So that's what I did, I burned their precious church that condemned innocents. I placed a barrier on the town and the villagers met the same fate as the fallen witches.

Now here we are my family and my own life in danger. My brother dead. All because of a bunch of fools can't leave us be. We told them we wouldn't bother them again. That Niklaus no longer needed Elena's blood to make hybrids. The water from lake Nostros took care of that problem. Instead of accepting peace they started a war, one I fully intend to finish. Sucks to be them since they killed the only one capable of stopping me. I'm the Tribrid, the first and only one of my kind. A combination of three powerful supernatural species. The vampire, the werewolf and last the siphoner. Finn having his magic back, put him as the only one capable. Right now Kol would be the only one with a chance, hell he was a bloody prodigy, but not even he can stop a raging inferno. We promised always and forever, now that promise is broken. "Rowena, things aren't how it used to be, people will take notice to an entire town burning. You need to think things through"He pleaded. "I have thought it through, after all I'm the levelheaded one"I told him. "And what about Emma? What will she think of her mother destroying an entire town?"Elijah asked. I narrowed my eyes at him. "How dare you bring my daughter into this?! Tell me Elijah what should I do? Should I sit back and do nothing? Allow them to get away with it?"I catechized. "No! I won't! My family is in danger so long as those idiots remains, so long as the white oak remains! They murdered Finn! They tried to murder me and you expect me to just sit back and do nothing!"I shouted. "Of course not!"He replied horrified. "Then what?! What do you expect?!"I shouted. "All I ask is for time, we will get justice for Finn and Elena's group will be punished. I give you my word"He reasoned. "Fine. You have until my magic returns..."I started looking him right in the eyes as I finished my sentence.

"And if Elena's group hasn't been properly dealt with then I will return to Mystic Fall."

No mercy, I will bring hell itself to Mystic Falls just to get rid of those fools.

There were no words from Elijah, he knew I was serious and he knew arguing anymore would do no good. "Let's get you cleaned up, I doubt you want Emma seeing you like this"He said. Emma...I have to face my daughter. I have to face Killian too. I'm sure they're worried and they will probably have questions. Not to mention Killian's life was in danger and if was because of me. I was a danger to the people I love. Not even my bloody protection charm could protect him, the attack was physical. Damn loophole, I'll have to fix that. "We can head to the ship, I have some clothes there"I stated. "What about the blood?"He asked. I rolled my eyes and sped off with Elijah following behind me.

When we arrived at the docks I did something that shocked the hell out of Elijah. I jumped fully clothed into the ocean, staying under for a good bit. What? It was the quickest way to get the blood off. I re-emerged, slicked my hair back and looked to Elijah. "Is it gone?"I asked. One of his eyes twitched as he nodded. I climbed back onto the dock and showed him how to get on the ship. He seemed surprised as he looked around the ship. I started walking towards the our quarters, but stopped in my tracks. I could hear a heartbeat coming from inside. Killian must be here. I went inside and sure enough he was there pouring himself a drink. Upon noticing me he quickly sat his drink down and came up to me pulling me into a tight hug. "You had me worried love"He told me. I could feel tears brimming my eyes as I returned the the hug. "I'm sorry Killian...I screwed up. I screwed everything up"I cried. "No you didn't, this isn't your fault. None of what happened is your fault"He told me. "I should have known...Killian I should have-"But he cut me off. "You couldn't have known, you're powerful, but not psychic. All of us were caught off guard"He assured. "But Finn he's...he's..."I broke. The dam finally broke, the flood gates of emotions now open. I could stay strong around others, but Killian. He's the only person I allow myself to be vulnerable around. "I know love...I know"He said as rubbed my back.

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