Chapter 29 : Without you, I will become the worst version of myself

Start from the beginning

"I understood that you are afraid since you are a coward but-"

"I am not a coward!" Seokjin exclaimed, offended.

"Don't cut me off. I was saying : I understood that you are afraid but I don't know why since I told you not to be!" Taehyung retorted. "Can't you trust me? I won't change my mind about Yoona, is it so hard to believe?"

"Yes?" Seokjin dared to say, sitting on the bed and putting on his shoes and starting to lace them up.

Upset in turn, Taehyung frowned.

"What?" Seokjin asked stopping tying his shoes and preparing to step back if necessary, without taking his eyes off Taehyung as if expecting him to jump on him. "I just answered your question you can't be mad at me!"

"It's not about that, I'm tired of you doubting me! And stop being afraid of me, this is what annoys me the most tight know!" he added, seeing Seokjin's startled look.

"But I have every reason to-"

"Let me finish! I'm not going to change my mind about Yoona, whether you believe me or not. But if you continue to doubt me and upset me, maybe I'll take Haneul to replace Yoona and console me after my breakup," Taehyung told him with a dark grin.

"No, you can't!" Seokjin protested.

"Why not?" Taehyung replied. "Do you want to console me in her place?"

"I have already consoled you."

"How? I don't remember ever getting a hug like the one you gave Namjoon."

"That's because you don't need a hug, you need advice because you make bad choices. And I did advised you. If you want to heal from your broken heart you can't do that. Haneul is also a mean girl who likes to hurt others and she's Yoona's best friend, you can't surround yourself with a person like that again! Don't replace someone bad with someone bad, okay?"

Seokjin was so outraged that Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"I won't, it was a joke Jin! But I note that you are worried about me..."

"You're welcome," Seokjin said knowing that Taehyung was incapable of saying thank you and expressed his gratitude differently from others.

"...AND that you refused me a hug when I needed one. Even a stone would have been more affectionate than you in this situation."

"You make me feel like you don't take me seriously, no matter what I tell you," Seokjin protested, "but if you don't care about what I said and you want to hurt yourself so much, then I better don't care either, it will save me stress that I don't need."

"Don't. I like when you care and that I can watch you walk on eggshells with me,"Taehyung scoffed

"I told you I wasn't joking, I'm serious!"

"Then understand that I'm serious too, you're not the only one saying true things!" Taehyung exclaimed, "I said I'm done with Yoona, so I'm done. She doesn't deserve me, I'm much better than her, you said it yourself. Say it again, and I will no longer have any doubts about it."

"Uh..." Seokjin hesitated.

Taehyung glared at him.

"Jin, I need support, don't forget that I have a broken heart that you refused to comfort!"

"Are you sure about that?" Seokjin asked skeptically who was beginning to believe that the other was definitely making fun of him about being sad.

But Taehyung no longer seemed to want to make fun when he replied darkly:

Seokjin and the Heirs of the Korean Miracle - BOOK 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now