00:24- Rage

221 9 13

"(Y/N), he'll meet you outside."

I saw (Y/N) look at me out of the corner of my eye, but I held the gaze with Helio, not returning her gaze. Without any sounds of protest, she nodded and left, leaving Helio and I to our own devices. Helio waited until the door shut behind her, before sighing and pouring himself a glass of hard liquor. His hands were shaky, and I wore a mask of stoicism despite the intrigue I had for what he was going to say. I expected a lecture, I expected the 'father' of my love to scold me for acting so recklessly and not protecting her the first time around. 

"She has... taken a liking to you." He hummed, eyes not leaving the stream of liquid nearly overflowing the cup. Quickly eyeing me over his shoulder, he chuckled, putting the bottle down and throwing the glass back, chugging the contents. My father thought drinking was a sign of cowardness, a way to drown yourself to avoid your endeavors. It was one of the few things we agreed on.

"(Y/N) is... quite literally all I have left." He hiccupped slightly, eyes glossing over as he drifted away from reality. Helio turned to completely face me, leaning back on the table, "I am dying."

I felt my head tilt ever so slightly. Why was he telling me this?

"I do not understand why you are sharing this with me-" He silenced me by swiftly raising his hand, looking at the linoleum tiles of the floor.

"I have cancer, my organs are resembling swiss cheese and I can feel my hands grow more stiff with every passing day. I'm feeling my lungs constrict with every breath, and with every memory I have of that child growing up before me.

"I'm not going to be around to protect her forever. Yet, neither of us have anyone around to protect her like I have. Her parents died when she was young, my family disowned me for my medical practices due to the religious household I grew up in." He looked up at me through furrowed eyebrows and tears brimming his eyes, "I need to know you can protect her. I need to know that once I'm gone she's not going to be alone."

"Dr. Helio, I can assure you she is in good hands-"

"Promise me." I never broke his gaze, just simply nodded. This was a broken man that was a ticking time bomb. Only a matter of breaths left before he met his maker. "Please."

A moment of silence lingered in the air, and I let another beat pass before I nodded.

"You have my word."


Any God out there, please.

The second we landed, we saw the base in disarray. Rubble and corruption surrounded base, and so far there were no survivors. Commander Reyes helped us search, and every time I heard there was a female found, my heart stopped completely. A check for a pulse, and nothing. Yet none of them were her, so that small sliver of hope remained deep in my chest.

"Genji, come in." Cassidy's voice over the radio causes my nerves to kick up, wondering if the news is about to come in.

She's dead. There's no possible way she could have survived this. There's no level ground to stand on, there's no room left unturned by Talon. If she had survived, it would be a miracle.


"Any sign of 'er?"

"Six deceased, no live ones found- over." I muttered into the microphone. A thick layer of dust settled over the floors, some still whisking through the air, making it harder to breathe than it already was. My chest felt like it had been tied into a knot, a series of twists and sharp tugs that left my lungs struggling for sanctity. 

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