00:16- A Friend of Mine

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Lifting my head up slowly from the ground, I groaned in pain and glanced at my surroundings. A constant ringing in my ears failed to subside, causing a headache to begin. Several feet away from me, Greene and Cole laid sprawled out on the pavement, unmoving. Flames erupted from the base that we had just stepped out of what seemed like seconds ago. Reaching out for Cole, I winced at the pain that exploded in my stomach with any sudden movements. I saw blood seeping through the jumpsuit, and had to shut my eyes due to both the burning sensation from the smoke flooding the sky and to try to make sense of what just happened. 

Grasping at my wound, blood seeping from a gnash in my head and down my cheek, I tried to push myself up. I didn't see anyone I knew standing, and it was eerily quiet aside from the burning building beginning to collapse. 

"Jack? Gabe?" My voice was hoarse and would be unable to be heard by anyone further than a few feet away. Looking back to Cole and Greene, I crawled towards them, gritting my teeth with every inch I moved. I grabbed Cole's cheeks, shaking him slightly yet he remained unresponsive. Quickly, I put my ear to his chest, impatiently waiting to hear some sort of rhythm. Luckily enough, there was a steady beat to his heart. I sighed and moved over to Greene, whose heart was more faint and caused a panic to set in. 

I wrapped my arm around his back, pulling him onto my lap with the little strength I had. Taking his helmet off, my body went cold as ice and any air I had in my lungs was sucked out in a millisecond. Laying under my touch was none other than Genji Shimada. Tears pricked at my eyes and I began desperately grasping at his chest, wondering how he managed to make it so far without me figuring out who it was. I laid him flat on the pavement, hands shaking, to begin chest compressions. Lumps rose in my throat, the wound in my stomach aching every time I pressed into his chest. 

"Genji, come on..."

So many questions spun in my mind, worried I would never find the answers to them. The world around us seemed to drift off, and I focused on the task at hand. I counted the seconds, and after a minute passed I listened to his heart once more- almost completely gone. His chest barely even rose as his breathing came to a stop. The tears that ran down my face began mixing with blood and soot, looking like a mess trying to save a life. Before I knew it, footsteps approached from behind me, and I heard a gun cock.

"Put your hands up!"

"He's not breathing," I continued the compressions.


"He's going to die."


I ignored them and pressed into Genji's chest harder, glancing periodically at his scarred lips. My bottom lip began to quiver, worried that my attempts to save him were fleeting. 

"Please, I just need a few more minutes-"

Hands grasped at my forearms pulling me back from Genji. Screaming and thrashing, ignoring the searing pain from my stomach, I slammed my feet at the ground to slow down their force. Eventually, they threw me to the ground. When I looked up, I saw the butt of a rifle slam into my forehead, causing any thoughts or movements I had to end in a second. There was no fading, it was just sudden darkness. Floating in a black abyss.

When I came to, a few seconds passed and I blinked my eyes harshly, squinting at the migraine that throbbed in my head. My hands were bound behind my back, wrists and ankles bound to a steal chair in the middle of a room. I scanned it, taking in the musty smell and barren walls with a little light that hung above me. A single door was in the far left corner, and I began to question how long I had been out for. Recalling the forceful nature of my captures, I remembered the state Genji and Cole were in last I saw them, let alone my own wounds. I bit my bottom lip as I wearily glanced down at my stomach, seeing the open wound through the hole in my jumpsuit still wet with fresh blood. 

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