00:22- Never Be the Case

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"Who in the fuck are you?"

Jolting awake, I saw Helio with one foot in the door as my groggy vision slowly revealed the tension growing in the room. Genji stood in a protective stance in front of me, narrowing his eyes at Helio. I held the blanket close to myself, throwing my legs off the side of the cot and standing slightly behind Genji.

"Helio, I can explain-"

"You know this man?" Genji hissed quietly, lips curling into a scowl.

"He's like my dad!"

"Is this one of the piece of shit agents that was supposed to protect you?" Helio retorted, angrily.

"Helio, calm down-"

"What did you just call me?"

"Genji, you aren't helping-"

"You heard me loud and clear, boy."


"WILL BOTH OF YOU JUST SHUT UP!" Both of their heads snapped to me, eyes wide. Helio's eyes widened slightly and Genji relaxed from his stance. I huffed and held the blanket even tighter for some sense of security before the conversation I knew would anger Helio even more. "Now, can we play nice?"

Helio and Genji locked eye contact one more second before grumbling and looking away. I rolled my eyes slightly, sighing and pinching bridge of my nose. Taking in a deep breath, I managed to lock a gaze into Helio's confused and angry eyes.

"I want to go back."

"We have discussed this. The answer is no."

"I'm not a kid anymore, Helio! I did good things for those people, and I don't want to stop just because one thing went wrong."

"One thing that could have costed you your LIFE. Do you hear yourself? Do you not remember everything you told me?"

"Genji saved me, and I'm still breathing. I consider that successful."

"What happens the next time he isn't there to save you?"

Genji crossed his arms, lowering his head slightly, "That will never be the case."

I looked to Genji, knowing that this subject was the very same one we left on when I saw him last. I had blamed him for what had happened, and now that I know what I do now, I wish I never had. I was scared he believed me and blamed himself, too.

Helio crossed his arms, pursing his lips at Genji then turning to me, "This is really what you want? Living your life protecting people that will not protect you in the end?" 

"They tried to. Things were complicated." I shifted my weight between my feet, biting my bottom lip harshly. Helio laughed, sounding more like a cough than anything.

"Imagine my surprise when I saw a suspicious car outside. I thought something happened to you. Is it really so bad here you were going to leave without saying goodbye?" I shook my head slightly out of confusion, looking to Genji. He shrugged, no emotion reading behind his eyes.

"I thought you were ready to come back. I let Commander know before you woke up."

I huffed, turning back to and walking up to him, taking his hands in mine, "Helio, I love you and I love it here, but this isn't where I want to be for the rest of my life. You said so yourself when you first saw me off, I can do good for these people. Please don't lose the confidence you had in me then. I can handle this."

Helio averted my gaze, his brain stuttering before searching between my pupils individually, looking for a sign that said I was sure this is what I wanted to do. He must have seen it, because he slowly pulled me into a tight hug, burying his face into the crook of my neck. I felt his breath waver as he pulled away, hands on my shoulders. He stood there in silence for what felt like forever, eyes closing gently.

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