00:09- Respect

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Sidewinder- A cowboy insult made after a snake meaning dangerous, slick, and evil.

I made a mental note to add that to my common vocabulary. Busing myself with cleaning my room and the med bay, I dissociated to make the day go by faster. I restocked bandages, cleaned utensils, and finally brushed my hair after it being knotted for hours on end. Only once I finished cleaning, I realized I hadn't eaten since I had arrived. Massaging my stomach slightly with the pads of my fingers, it roared under my touch. Frowning slightly, I made a plan.

I would go and find something to eat, despite being humiliated by anyone I would come across in fear they saw the events earlier today, then take a shower. I felt disgusting to say the least. Shrugging on my lab coat I threw my hair into a high ponytail and sought out wherever the cafeteria may be. I hadn't recalled passing it in my time of being here, so I decided to try and find places I hadn't been before.

Several turns, hallways, and frustrated groans later, I saw someone at the end of the hallway. Feeling happy to be able to ask someone for directions, I hurried my way towards them. I felt taken back at their height the closer I got, blood running cold when she turned to look at me. Glaring with disappointed eyes and thin lips pursed tightly, I swallowed hard under her gaze. Her eyes were two different colors, one being red one being blue. Whether that had been the cause of heterochromatic or one of her experiments- I had no idea and I wasn't about to ask. Red locks sat messily on her head and her nails were uncannily long.

"Bothersome," She spoke, smiling slightly in amusement.

"Can you point me in the direction of the cafeteria?"

Standing eerily still for a few moments, she suddenly smiled brighter, more wickedly. Taking a few short strides to tower over me, her hand caressed the hem of my lab coat as she observed it. 

"So you are the new medic? How... irksome. To think I am that easily replaceable," she leaned down and her nose came inches from mine, "I can taste your weakness."

Shuddering under her gaze, she smirked in content and stood aside, "Down the hall and to your left. If you want to stay alive," She began walking past me and turned over her shoulder, "Do not cross paths with me again."

She continued walking and I shook my head in disbelief of what had just happened. Was everyone here just on some massive ego power trip? Constantly feeling the need to instate a pecking order and climb their way to the top? Rubbing my arms and holding myself, I followed her directions and sure enough I came across the cafeteria. It was barren, quiet, and no one was in there. Does no one eat?

I went to a kitchenette and opened all of the cabinets and what little supplies I had to make a meal. My selection included some instant oatmeal, powdered milk, tortillas, a block of cheese, and chicken strips. Frowning at my options, and grimacing solely to the idea of powdered milk, I decided to make cheese quesadillas. I pulled one of the old, worn pans from the cabinet and placed it on the stove, throwing on two tortillas with a layer of cheese in the middle and diced chicken strips. Looking into the fridge, I did find a jar of salsa that was far passed the expiry date, so I quite literally did the best with what I had to work with. 

Flipping the quesadilla as the cheese melted and oozed out the side, I nearly drooled from how hungry I had gotten. I pulled it off the stove far earlier than I should have and cut it up, beginning to devour it. It was better than nothing.

"You have the manners of a child."

Nearly choking on my bite, I swallowed and tears formed in my eyes from gagging. Turning, I saw Genji standing in his usual stoic stance, unmoving. Shuffling uncomfortably, I held my elbows and tilted my head.

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