00:20- Am I Understood

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The sun fell into the horizon, a cool moon replacing it's warmth in the atmosphere. Watching the world I was so excited to be apart of whisk away on the other side of a window was a new kind of feeling. It was a mix of guilt, spite, anger, sadness, disappointment- any word with a negative connotation wrapped into one. The pit in my stomach seemed to lighten when the car came to a slow stop, and I saw Dr. Helio. He looked the same as I had left him. Tall, jet black hair, same worn lab coat, and the blue hue emitting from his eyes. He spared a soft, sad smile as I exited the car. All I wanted to do was go home, which wasn't even a place anymore. It was a group of people that I grew to love and care for. 

Steadying my weak legs on the uneven payment, Helio opened his arms and I rushed into them. Crashing into his chest, he held me tightly and soothed me by rubbing my back. I didn't realize how much I had missed him until I felt his embrace. I felt sobs rise in my throat, choking them back through unsteady breathing. The driver made haste with unloading the little luggage I had brought to base. Turning to see him unload the last of it, he took his cap off and nodded. I nodded in response and my only way to getting back to base was gone. 

I don't want to say life here with Dr. Helio was terrible. It was good honest work. But it was nice to make new connections, new bonds, new relationships. Just seeing more than the same face in the same room day in and day out was a change of pace, and I loved it.

"You look good, (L/N)." I giggled slightly, burying my face further into his chest, "Come, there's someone I want you to meet." I sniffed and nodded, us both loading our arms with as much as we could carry and heading into the familiar makeshift med bay. I felt like the lungs were sucked out of my lungs when I saw an even more familiar face. A smile shot my lips up, and I rushed to put down my bags.

"(Y/N), I want you to meet Reggie Buckworth. Reggie, this is (Y/N)."

"I'm familiar, you're the omnic I patched up!"

"He is also the one that called in for your recommendation to Overwatch."

Overwatch. For some reason even hearing the word felt like a punch to the gut. A dagger laced with poison puncturing deep into my skin. I shook the thought and nodded at Reggie, who smiled with his eyes and whirred lightly.

"I never had the opportunity to properly thank you," I bowed my head, and he imitated a laugh. 

"Of course. You helped me, I wanted to return the favor."

Sending another smile, I stood straight and looked around the med bay, noticing some slight improvements and reorganization. However, I paid more attention to an empty cot in the corner with a desk next to it and a lamp. I raised my eyebrow slightly at Helio, who scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Ah... yes." Helio pulled a chair out for me to sit and I watched Reggie beginning to pour tea. We all took our seats, and Reggie busied himself in another room.

"We have a lot to discuss," Helio sighed before continuing, "for starters, someone took over your lease at your old apartment. Jack Morrison gave me a call telling me you were coming back on very short notice. You'll have to stay here until I can find a new place for you, but trust me I've been looking."

Helio wrapped his knuckles on the desk, seeming to grow anxious. I took comfort in the hot cup, wrapping my fingers around it because his nervousness was affecting me as well. I lowered my head to try and break his eye contact with the table.

"What's the matter?"

"Why are you here, (Y/N)? I sent you out so you could build a legacy for yourself. Set yourself up for a good life, better than anything I could have ever offered-"

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