00:12- What I Strive For

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With the few short hours of sleep I had, I groggily sat up in bed. Massaging my temples, I sighed heavily remembering the patient I had sitting outside my door. Eyes widening slightly, I threw the covers off of me and ran out into the med bay. Sitting at Genji's side, Reyes held his head in the palms of his hands. He breathed slow and heavy breaths, bringing me to believe he had fallen asleep. Smiling lightly, I walked over and shook his shoulder slightly causing him to jolt awake and rub his eyes, groaning.

"You've been here all night?"

"Knew if he woke up he would walk out and go on another mission."

"He doesn't have clearance from me. If he ruptures those stitches, he would be vulnerable to infection in this state. More so than he is already." Reyes chuckled slightly, pushing off of his knees to stand. 

"Try telling that to him." Rolling my eyes, I internally scolded Genji's reckless behavior.

"Is... this going to interfere with the upcoming mission?" I whispered, glancing briefly at Reyes before my eyes fell onto Genji's sleeping figure. Reyes sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Unfortunately, yes. He was supposed to be there for backup. Now I don't know what I am going to do. We don't exactly have reinforcements to spare, and unless his condition gets better, he'll have to stay behind."  

I frowned, eyes remaining on Genji. There was little to no chance he would recover before the end of the month, and with how much he does for Blackwatch, it'll be hard on him.

"I'm going to run some diagnostics and do some disinfecting on his wound. If his condition changes, you'll be the first to know. Better or worse."

Reyes nodded, turning to walk away before glancing over his shoulder once more, "Glad you have you here, (L/N). Took a lot of convincing from Jack to get me on board for a new recruit. Wouldn't have it any other way."

Laughing lightly, I crossed my arms, "Was that... a nice comment?"

"Don't hold your breath."

Reyes left, leaving me to my duties with Genji. I gathered disinfectants and began applying them, watching his chest slowly rise and fall out of the corner of my eye. Lips slightly parted, showing off the scar that aligned down the right side of his face. A faint smile tugged at the corner of my lips, leaning in closely to examine the suture work. Mere seconds passed before I felt Genji shift slightly under my palms, glancing up at him only to see him squinting back at me. 

He groaned and squeezed his eyes shut, attempting to sit up but I quickly pushed him back down. Growling under his breath, he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Genji you sustained a deep wound from your last mission. I did everything-"

"Skip the pleasantries. How bad is it?"

Sighing, I pulled my hands from his skin and sat back into my chair. "Bad. You are no longer going to the conference in Rome."

"Under whose orders?" He shouted, and I shrunk back into my seat slightly.

"Mine. I will not give you clearance until your sutures are removed."

He attempted to sit up again, causing me to push him down once more, "Unless you heal. Which will not happen if you are constantly moving."

Closing his eyes, he tilted his head back and sighed.

"You are adamant on my health. Why?" 

My cheeks grew hot and I stood up to get the diagnostics machine. Every life is precious to me, but Genji had a point. If this was any other soldier, I more than likely would have given a snarky remark and rolled my eyes. Like they would ever listen to me anyways. Something about him made me care for his health. Possibly because I know of his entire known background? Pity?

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