00:18- To Protect You

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Watching Angela scramble around (Y/N) desperately calling out equipment she needed to Moira, my ears felt numb. I felt nothing yet understood I was in a state of dissociation, unable to comprehend the wounds that were inflicted on her. My lip trembled and I quietly seethed, left to mourn the injuries of someone I had little time to know yet somehow developed conflicting feelings towards. We were finally back at home base, everyone either accounted for or dead, so why could I not feel the slightest bit of joy? I was incapable of being happy that she was safe, I was too filled with rage that this had happened in the first place.

Hanzo and father always scolded for me for such a short temper when they weren't scolding me for immaturity. I wanted to be a better man, to avoid the criminal life, to be free. Those shackles never left me after Hanzo turned me into a monster- cold and unfeeling. That was all I knew until I met (Y/N). Something about that stubborn nature, the way she was headstrong, her will to help anyone and everyone. She gave me some hope that there were good people still in this world overrun with hatred and spite. (Y/N) truly made me feel something opposed to the usual nothingness that came with empty intrusive thoughts.

"I need morphine, 10 milligrams, start a drip." Angela was breathless, stitching, cleaning, disinfecting. She seemed to go on auto pilot as she gazed up at me, eyes soft, "Are you sure you do not want to wait outside? I can call you in when I am finished?"

Taking another look towards (Y/N)'s limp figure, I pulled out a stool from beside an unoccupied cot and took a seat. Angela sadly nodded, and continued the fast paced work with her hands. (Y/N) was stitched up in her thigh, her cheekbone had been repositioned, nose had been reset, and cold compressions had been applied to her throat in result of strangulation. I placed my head in my hands, losing myself in my thoughts.

I remember threatening her when she saw my files, afraid of feeling vulnerability swell in me.
I remember seeing her mind run free at the conference, afraid of feeling pride in myself for her.
I remember seeing her smile, and my heart throbbed more in that moment than in my entire life combined.

There was something special about her, and I didn't like what it was doing to me. I felt like with those big (E/C) eyes, she could see into my soul. What made me even more afraid was that I liked it.
As the hours passed and these thoughts circling through my head were endless, Angela finally sighed and walked in front of me. Her hands laced with each other, and she tiredly smiled.

"How is she?" I whispered, worried to hear the answer.

"She'll be just fine. She'll be in a lot of pain when she wakes up, but I've started her on medication through the IV, so it should be somewhat tolerable. Her voice will also be likely gone from the strangulation, so keep her from talking as best you can. I have to head back to main base but Moira will be here to look after her." I nodded slowly, taking in all the information and locking eyes with (Y/N) on the cot. She laid on her back, hair matted and remanence of soot across her skin. Her eyes were softly shut, mouth parted ever so slightly.

Angela gathered her supplies and gave me one last weak smile before walking out. Once she was no longer in view, I pulled the chair up to the side of (Y/N)'s bed. When I was injured in my last mission, she never let me out of her sight. She cared for me, tended to my wounds, despite how scared of me I could sense she was. At first meeting, she would hardly even make eye contact with me. I treated her like another disposable medic, someone who would not last long within Blackwatch's clutch. Yet, a part of myself deep down scolded me for acting that way.

My mind has been chaotic ever since the events of my clan. Their clan. I never wanted to be apart of their criminal empire, killing and bartering to bring themselves to the top. I grew to hate the metal skin I resided in. It was a constant reminder of my brother's hatred, my father's spite, and my clan's wrongdoings. When Angela originally 'fixed' me, I felt like I had gone mad. Clawing at my skin to wash away any memory that had remained. 

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