00:19- Goodbye

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"He was big... strong... and bald. Sanjay called him Akande."

"Akande... I'll look into it. Anything else?" Biting my lip, I looked down and gripped the sheets as my heart sank at the question.

"They know who you all are. Their whole plan was to use me to get the rest of you. I-" Pausing, I felt my shoulders grow heavy, "I really didn't think you were going to come."

Commander Reyes shook his head slightly, his usual cold features faltering, "Of course we would, kid. When I said we wouldn't come back, I was just trying to spook you. It's a lot of paperwork for a rescue." He chuckled and I cracked a small smile.

"But," He took a long pause, sighing, "we need to discuss something."

"Yes?" Worry began to set in with his sudden change in tone.

Pursing his lips, he wiped his palms on his knees. He wouldn't look at me, and I felt as though I had done something wrong. I leaned forward, trying to catch his gaze. 

"Your injuries, they know who you are, they know what makes you tick. It's not safe for you here, not to mention you are acting weary at the smallest of sounds. I'm sending you home."

I felt all of the color drain of my face, veins running cold. My ears fell numb, and I began to shake my head violently, "What? No! Commander Reyes, I promise you I am fine. Look, I know I messed up, okay? I-"


"I can patch myself up and I'll be working again tomorrow-"


"I won't even go on missions anymore I can just stay at base-"

"(L/N)!" He shouted and narrowed eyes at me, causing me to sink back into my seat. I felt hot tears well up behind my eyes, and I combed my hands through my knotted hair compulsively. "You're a good medic, and you didn't mess up. Everyone is getting their asses chewed out for the entire thing- Blackwatch had the rat crawling around under our noses. They know who you are, and they know you're important enough for us to come back for you. You're a high target and they will come for you again. This is nothing against you personally, kid."

Sitting in silence for a moment, my eyes never left the sheets. I looked like a deer in headlights, feeling as though everything I had ever worked for had just gone out the window. I gnawed at my inner cheek, a strong exhale pushing past my lips.

"Do I have time to say goodbye?"

"Of course, kid. We already notified Helio when you were out."

"Who's going to take care of you guys?" 

Chuckling sourly, he pinched the bridge of his nose, "Moira will be back in the med bay. Angela can't be in two places at once and her plate is plenty full."

I nodded solemnly, looking towards my room, "Your things are packed. All you have to do is let me know when to get the driver." Reyes whispered, patting my leg and standing up. I nodded, and shrugged.

"Go ahead and call him," I whispered, my eyes landing on a spot on the wall, thumbing through my endless thoughts of what my old home had in store for me. It wouldn't be anything compared to here. I was doing good here, doing good for these people. I felt my stomach flip once more, devastated by the idea of everything I have accomplished here would soon become a memory. 

Reyes made a quiet exit, nodding at me before he was out of sight. Pushing myself off of the cot, I went to find a change of clothes to rid myself of the gown. Walking into my room, I sucked in a sharp breath to keep myself from crying. Once I caught a glance of my uniform hanging alone in the closet, the floodgates opened. One tear turned into a few, and a few turned into choked back sobs so no one would hear me. I ran my fingers over the fabric, smiling lightly at the few good memories it held. 

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