Twenty-Two: Funeral.

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Will was standing in the choir room, joined by Jesse St. James, and Ashleigh glared at him...

"New Directions, I would like to introduce you to our new show choir consultant, Jesse St. James." Will said.

Ashleigh glared at Jesse even harder, and Rachel was the only one to clap.

"Mr. Schue, y... you're joking, right? He was trying to get Ashleigh to leave." Sam says.

"That was a total misunderstanding. I meant she shouldn't perform at nationals." Said Jesse.

"But she's our best singer. She has to sing." Said Quinn.

"I don't trust this guy." Finn says.

"How do we know he's not gonna trick us into doing something stupid so his alma mater wins?" Ashleigh asked, scoffing lightly.

"I don't need to do much tricking to get you to do something stupid, Ashleigh." Jesse tells her.

"Ashleigh, Jesse is just a consultant. I still make all the calls. I have all the confidence in the world in you guys. We've been working so hard for two years for this moment, and that moment is finally here. I was talking to Jesse, and he agreed we should continue with our successful trend... of doing original songs for the competition. I was thinking of doing one group number and one duet." Said Will.

"Ashleigh and I should sing the duet. We killed it last year at regionals with "Faithfully." Finn says.

"May I? I don't agree that Ashleigh should sing. I think it's best she sits this one out. Completely." Said Jesse.

"What! No way! She isn't sitting out at nationals." Finn says.

Everyone began complaining.

"Mr. Schue? That guy is a total jerk! You can't bench our best singer, especially for nationals. She won sectionals and regionals. If she doesn't sing, neither am I!" Sam shouted.

"Jesse, maybe you could be a little gentler with your advice." Will tells him.

"Gentle? I'm sorry, I didn't realise we're training for the "Good Try" ribbon at nationals. I thought we were in it to win the whole damn thing, and there's only one way we can do that." Jesse tells them.

"By benching our best singer? Oh, wait, you wanna replace Ashleigh with Rachel... should've known." Mercedes says, rolling her eyes.

"You're right, Mercedes. You identify your best performer and build the entire performance around them." Said Jesse.

"And who's our star performer? Rachel?" Asked Puck.

"We're gonna have auditions to find out. I'm gonna post a sign-up sheet later this afternoon." Will says.

"Mr. Schue, don't you think this is kind of not our style? I mean, benching Ashleigh..." Said Tina.

"Hey, we're not benching Ashleigh... if she wants to audition, she can. She has every chance, then everyone else." Will tells them.

"Yeah, actually, on second thoughts, I'd give it a miss." Ashleigh tells them.

Finn, Sam, Mercedes, Puck, Quinn, and Kurt all glared at Jesse other than Rachel, who smiled at him.

With Sue and Terri, they were in her office at school...

"I don't see why you're so angry." Terri said.

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