Seven: Never Been Kissed. Part Two.

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Back at the choir room...

"Where's Ashleigh? I mean, the whole thing depends on her... the boys beat us last time we competed against us. We've got to bring it." Said Mercedes.

"To be fair, they didn't officially beat us. We got busted for vitamin D possession before the vote." Quinn said.

"Wait, something's definitely wrong. Why isn't Rachel talking?" Santana asked.

"Yeah, she should totally be bossing us around right now." Said Brittany.

"Ashleigh better get here soon." Tina says.

"No one else can sing that part better than her. Hands up, if we need Ashleigh?" Mercedes asked.

Every single girl, including Rachel, had their hand up.

"Then I'm ringing again." Said Quinn.

"The assignment was to do the opposite of what we normally do. I'm just trying to stick to the lesson plan, which is proving nearly impossible since you're glueing those sequins on backwards and Ashleigh isn't here!" Rachel shouted.

Santana looked over at Brittany and shook her head.

"Spies!" Rachel shouted, pointing at the door.

Puck came in pushing Artie.

"Lighten up... we're here to talk to Santana and Brittany. Remember, don't trust your instincts." Puck says, whispering quietly to Artie.

"So, how does it feel to be a free man?" Asked Santana.

"All I can say is that I don't want a long-term relationship with either of you. Especially Brittany, since I'm not in love with her."

"Do you guys wanna go out for dinner tonight?" Asked Brittany

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"Do you guys wanna go out for dinner tonight?" Asked Brittany.

"Not really." Puck tells them. "Oh, tell you what? You two show up at Breadsticks tomorrow night at 7:00. If we don't find hotter chicks to date tonight, we might show up."

"You are totally cool." Santana says, looking at Puck.

"Awesome." Brittany said.

Mercedes, Tina, and Quinn all looked at Santana and Brittany.

Puck grabbed Artie's chair, turning him around and walking towards the door.

"I can't believe it. You're a genius." Artie whispered.

In the staffroom, Will makes himself some coffee after searching the whole school for Ashleigh...

Shannon walks into the room.

"Hey, Will." She said.

"Oh, you haven't seen Ashleigh, have you?"

"No, I normally see her with Sam, though... have you asked him?" She asked.

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