Chapter Sixteen: Christmas!

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"YOU'RE BACK!" UN beamed, rushing over to the siblings, who had fallen to their knees, blinking dizzily as they gazed around the room, relieved.

"My head hurts..." Scotland groaned, stroking the massive purple bruise on his forehead.

"...Did you win?" Union asked worriedly, eyes darting over to the still sleeping UK.

"We did," Wales grinned, "...Is she awake yet?"

"I don't know..."

"I'll check on her," Ireland grimaced, standing up and tiptoeing up the Conference Room's many stairs, finally reaching the unconscious Brit and tapping her lightly on the shoulder, causing her to stir slightly in her sleep and let out a soft snore.

"UK?" Wales giggled nervously fluttering over to her sister's side and shaking her perhaps a bit harder than she intended.

"GET AWAY FROM THAT HARBOUR, AMERICA!" UK screamed, eyes flying open alarmingly quickly. "Oh... Hi..."

"Hi," Ireland laughed, "Awake at last, I see?"

"I suppose I must be," UK grinned back, "I take it you won the battle then?"

"Of course we did!"

"...Let's go home," Scott groaned, gazing up at his siblings, "My head hurts..."

"You really should go," UN nodded, "I'm locking up for Christmas in an hour. Oh, and here's a paracetamol, Scotland..."

"Locking up already?!" North exclaimed, "It's only... Wait, what's the date again?"

"I'll check," England grimaced, pulling out his phone, "It's... GOODNESS GRACIOUS, IT'S THE 24TH!"

"Home it is, then..." Brit sighed.

Laughing at the six, UN rose to his feet, snapping his fingers and teleporting them back to Ireland's house... Or at least roughly where he thought it was...


"...Are we supposed to be on the roof?"

"Funnily enough, no we're not, England."

"Should I get a ladder?"

"I think there's one over there, Wales..."


"My poor ears... And why not, Ireland?"

"If you go over there, you'll see your Christmas present!"


Eventually, Ireland had to jump onto the nearest branch of the tree in her back garden and scramble down it, pulling over the wooden ladder that stood forlornly beside her garden shed (which itself looked as if it hadn't been touched in years, other than by its resident spiders). Grinning, she dragged it over to the little bungalow, holding it as steadily as she could without accidentally breaking one of the wooden beams in half, in order to get everyone down.

"It looks a bit dodgy..." North shuddered, watching the others climb down.

"Want to stay up there forever, then?"

"No..." North sighed, scurrying down the ladder so quickly that one of the beams did in fact break, causing her to fall on top of a rather irritated England.

"...North, you've knocked off my glasses..." England groaned, reaching over and feeling the grass around him, eventually touching the cool metal of their frame.


"Anyway..." Ireland interrupted, "I have presents inside for you all!"

"Brilliant!" England exclaimed.

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